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Encyclopedia of African-American Writing: Five Centuries of Contribution

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Preface to the Second Edition, 2009

Introduction to the Third Edition

Abbott, Robert S. (Sengstacke)

Abu-Jamal, Mumia (né Wesley Cook)

Adichie, Chimamanda (AdichieSpeaks)

Affrilachian Poets

African American Review (aka Negro American Literature Forum, Black American Literature Forum)

African-American Vernacular English (AAVE; aka Black English, Negro Dialect, Ebonics)

Ai (chosen name, meaning “love” in Japanese) (née Florence Anthony; aka Florence Ai Ogawa)

Alexander, Elizabeth

Alexander’s Magazine

Allen, Richard

Allen, Samuel W. (Washington) (aka Paul Vesey)

Als, Hilton

American Negro Academy

Amini [Swahili: “faithful”], Johari [Swahili: “jewel”] (née Jewel Christine McLawler; aka Johari Kunjufu)

Amsterdam News

Anderson, Marian

Anderson, Regina M. (pen name: Ursala/ Ursula Trelling; married surname, Andrews)

Andrews, Raymond

Angelou, Maya (née Marguerite Annie Johnson)

Ansa, Tina McElroy

Anthologies of African-American Literature

Anthologies of African-American Literature, from Literary Journals

Anthologies of African-American Literature, Regional African-American Literature

Anthologies of African-American Literature, Special Topics and Audiences

Anthologies of African-American Literature, Specific Genres, Drama and Plays

Anthologies of African-American Literature, Specific Genres, Fiction

Anthologies of African-American Literature, Specific Genres, Nonfiction

Anthologies of African-American Literature, Specific Genres, Poetry, Verse, and Song

Anthologies of African-American Literature, Writers from 1619 through 1865, the Antebellum and Civil War Era

Anthologies of African-American Literature, Writers from 1920 to the Early 1940s, during the New Negro Era

Anthologies of African-American Literature, Written by and for Gay or Heterosexual Men

Anthologies of African-American Literature, Written by and for Heterosexual or Lesbian Women

Anthologies of African-American Literature, Written by and for Juveniles

Antislavery Periodicals

Antislavery Periodicals

Antislavery Periodicals

Antislavery Periodicals

Asante, Molefi Kete (né Arthur Lee Smith, Jr.)

Ashe, Jr., Arthur Robert

Atkins, Russell

Attaway, William

Aubert, Alvin (Bernard)

Baisden, Michael

Baker, Augusta (née Braxston; 2nd married surname: Alexander)

Baker, Jr., Houston A. (Alfred)

Baker, Kyle

Baldwin, James Arthur (né Jones)

Baltimore Afro-American

Bambara, Toni Cade (née Toni Cade)

Banks, Leslie Esdaile (aka L.A. Banks, Leslie)

Banneker, Benjamin

Baraka, Amiri (né Everett LeRoy Jones; pseudonym: LeRoi Jones)

Barber, Jesse Max

Barnes, Steven Emory

Barnett, Claude Albert

Barrax, Gerald W. (William)

Bass, Charlotta Amanda (née Spears)

Bayley, Solomon

Beasley, Delilah

Beatty, Paul

Beckham, Barry

Bell, James Madison

Bennett, Gwendolyn B.

Bennett, Hal

Bennett, Jr., Lerone

Berry, Mary Frances

Bibb, Henry (Walton)

Black Aesthetic

Black Arts Movement

Black Fire: An Anthology of African-American Writing

Black Lives Matter

Black Opals

Black Power

Black Scholar, The

BlackBoard African-American Bestsellers

Bogle, Donald

Bolden, Tonya

Bonner, Marita (Odette) (married surname: Occomy; aka Joseph Maree Andrew)

Bontemps, Arna Wendell

Bourne, St. Clair (Cecil)

Boyd, Melba (Joyce)

Bradley, Jr., David (Henry)

Braithwaite, William Stanley Beaumont

Brandon, Barbara (aka Barbara Brandon-Croft)

Brathwaite, Edward Kamau (né Lawson Edward Brathwaite)

Brawley, Benjamin (Griffith)

Braxton, Joanne (aka Jodi) (Margaret)

Briggs, Cyril Valentine

Broadside Press

Brooks, Gwendolyn (Elizabeth)

Brown, Cecil

Brown, “Charlotte Eugenia” (née Lottie Hawkins) Hawkins

Brown, Claude

Brown, Elaine (Meryl)

Brown, Frank London

Brown, Hallie Quinn

Brown, Jericho (jerichobrown)

Brown, Linda Beatrice (aka Linda Brown Bragg)

Brown, Lloyd (né Lloyd Louis Dight)

Brown, Sterling Allen

Brown, William Wells

Brownie’s Book, The

Bruce, Josephine Beall (née Willson)

Bryan, Ashley F.

Bullins, Ed (né Edward Artie) (aka Kingsley B. Bass, Jr.)

Bunche, Ralph (Johnson)

Burroughs, Margaret (née Taylor) (aka Margaret Taylor Goss, Margaret G. Taylor, Margaret G. Burroughs, Margaret Taylor-Burroughs)

Burroughs, Nannie Helen

Butler, Octavia E. (Estelle)

Cabrera, Lydia


Campbell, (Elizabeth) Bebe (née Moore)

Campbell, James Edwin

Carmichael (chosen name: Kwame Touré), Stokely (Standiford Churchill)

Carroll, Vinnette (Justine)

Cary, Mary Ann (née Shadd)

Cassells, Cyrus

Cave Canem

Cayton, Jr., Horace Roscoe

Channer, Colin

Chapman, Tracy

Chase-Riboud, Barbara

Chesnutt, Charles Waddell

Chicago Defender

Child, Lydia Maria (née Francis)

Childress, Alice

Chisholm, Shirley (Anita) (née St. Hill)

Christian, Barbara (Theresa)

Christian, Marcus Bruce

Clark, Kenneth B. (Bancroft)

Clark, Mamie (née Phipps)

Clark, Septima (née Poinsette)

Clarke, John Henrik

Cleage, Pearl (Michelle) (1st married name: Lomax)

Cleaver, (Leroy) Eldridge

Cliff, Michelle

Clifton, Lucille (née Thelma Lucille Sayles)

Coates, Ta-Nehisi

Cobb, Jr., Charles E.

Cobb, Jewell (née Plummer)

Cobb, William Montague

Cole (1st married name; 2nd married name: Robinson), Johnnetta (née Betsch)

Coleman, Wanda (née Evans)

Collier, Eugenia (Williams)

Collins, Kathleen (née Conwell)

Colón, Jesús

Colored American Magazine, The

Colter, Cyrus

Combahee River Collective (CRC)

Cone, James H. (Hal or Hall)

Cooper, Anna Julia (née Haywood)

Cooper, J. (Joan) California

Cornish, Sam (Samuel) (James)

Cornish, Samuel E.

Corrothers, James D. (David)

Cortez, Jayne

Cosby, Jr., Bill (William Henry)

Cose, Ellis (Jonathan)

Coste Lewis, Robin

Coston, Julia (née Ringwood)

Cotter, Jr., Joseph Seamon

Cotter, Sr., Joseph Seamon

Craft, William

Crafts, Hannah (Bond)

Crayton, Pearl

Crews, Donald

Crisis, The

Crosswaith, Frank Rudolph

Crouch, Stanley

Crummell, Alexander

Cruse, Harold Wright

Cullen, Countee (né Countée LeRoy Porter)

Curtis, Christopher Paul

Damas, Léon-Gontran

Dandridge, Raymond G. (Garfield)

Danner, Margaret (Esse)

Danticat, Edwidge

Dash, Julie

Dave, the Potter (aka David Drake)

Davis, Angela (Yvonne)

Davis, Arthur P. (Paul)

Davis, Frank Marshall (one-time pen name Bob Greene)

Davis, Ossie (né Raiford Chatman Davis)

Davis, Thulani (née Barbara Davis)

de Burgos, Julia

Deal, Borden (aka Loyse Deal, Lee Borden, Leigh Borden) (aka Her, Him, Us for his erotica)

Dee, Ruby (née Ruby Ann Wallace)

Delaney, Sara (“Sadie”) Marie (née Johnson) (1st married name: Peterson)

Delany, Annie Elizabeth (“Bessie”)

Delany, Clarissa (née Scott)

Delany, Martin R. (Robison)

Delany, Jr., Samuel (“Chip”) R. (Ray) (occasional pen names: K. Leslie Steiner, S. L. Kermit)

Delany, Sarah “Sadie” (Louise)

Demby, William

Dent, (Thomas) Tom (Covington)

Denzel Smith, Mychal (mychalsmith)

Derricotte, Toi (née Toinette Marie Webster)

De Veaux (aka Deveaux), Alexis

“Diddley,” “Bo” (né Otha Ellas Bates, adoptive name Ellas Bates McDaniel)

Dodson, Owen (Vincent)

Domino, Antoine “Fats” Dominique

Dorsey, Thomas (Andrew)

Douglass, Frederick (né Frederick Auld)

Douglass (married name), Sarah (née Mapps)

Dove, Rita (Frances)

Drake, St. Clair

Draper, Sharon M. (Mills)

Driskell, David Clyde

Du Bois, Shirley (Lola) (née Graham)

Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt)

Due, Tananarive

Dumas, Henry L.

Dunbar, Paul Laurence

Dunbar Nelson, Alice Ruth (née Alice Ruth Moore)

Dunham, Katherine

Dyson, Michael Eric

Eady, Cornelius

Early, Gerald (Lyn)


Edelman, Marian Wright

Edmonds, Kenneth (Brian) “Babyface”

Elder, III, Lonne

Ellison, Ralph (Waldo)

Emanuel, Sr., James A. (Andrew)

Equiano, Olaudah (Gustavus Vassa)

Evans, Danielle (daniellevalore)

Evans, Mari

Everett, II, Percival (Leonard)

Evers-Williams, Myrlie (Louise) (née Beasley)

Fabio, Sarah (née Webster)

Fauset (married name: Harris), Jessie Redmon

Fax, Elton C. (Clay)

Feelings, Tom

Ferguson, Lloyd Noel

Fields, Julia


Fishburne, III, Laurence

Fisher (married name), Abby

Fisher, Rudolph (John Chauncey) (“Bud”)


Ford, Nick Aaron

Forrest, Leon

Fortens, Grimkés, and Purvises

Fortune, Amos

Fortune, T. (Timothy) Thomas

Foster, Frances Smith

Fran, Ross

Franklin, J. E. (Jennie Elizabeth)

Franklin, John Hope

Frazier, E. (Edward) Franklin

Free Southern Theater (FST)

Freedom’s Journal

Freedomways: A Quarterly Review of the Negro Freedom Movement

French, William P. (Plummer)

Fuller, Jr., Charles H. (Henry)

Fuller, Hoyt

Gaines, Ernest J. (James)

Garland (married name), Hazel B. (née Hazel Barbara Maxine Hill)

Garnet, Henry Highland (né ?Trusty)

Garvey, Amy Euphemia (née Jacques)

Garvey, Jr., Marcus (Moziah)

Gates, Jr., Henry Louis “Skip”

Gayle, Jr., Addison

George, David

Gerima, Haile

Gibson, P. J. (Patricia Joann)

Giddings, Paula (Jane)

Giovanni, Nikki (née Yolande Cornelia Giovanni, Jr.)

Giscombe, C. (Cecil) S.

Gladwell, Malcolm

Goines, Donald (occasional pseudonym: “Al C. Clark”)

Goldberg, Whoopi (née Caryn Johnson)

Golden, Marita

Gomez, Jewelle

Gordone, Charles (né Charles Edward Fleming)

Graham, Lorenz (Bell)

Granville, Evelyn (née Boyd)

Greaves, “Bill” (né William Garfield Greaves)

Green, J. (Jacob) D.

Greenfield, Eloise

Greenlee, Sam

Gregory, “Dick” (Richard Claxton)

Griggs, Sutton E. (Elbert)

Grooms, Anthony (“Tony”)

Guinier, (Carol) Lani

Guy, Rosa (née Cuthbert)

Hairston, Andrea

Hall, Prince

Haley, Alex (Alexander Murray Palmer)

Hamilton, Virginia

Hammon, Briton

Hammon, Jupiter

Handy, W. C. (William Christopher)

Hansberry, Lorraine Vivian

Hansberry, William Leo

Hansen, Joyce (Viola)

Hare (aka Cuney-Hare), Maud (née Cuney)

Hare, Nathan

Harlem Renaissance

Harlem Renaissance, literary and scholarly journals of the “New Negro” era

Harlem Writers Guild

Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins (née Frances Ellen Watkins; occasional pseudonym: “Effie Afton”)

Harper, Michael S. (Steven)

Harrington, Oliver (“Ollie”) Wendell

Harris, E. (Everette) Lynn

Harris, Joel Chandler

Harris, Trudier (aka Trudier Harris-Lopez)

Haskins, James (“Jim”) S.

Hayden, Robert (né Asa Bundy Sheffey)

Haynes, Elizabeth (née Ross)

Haynes, Lemuel

Heard, Nathan C. (Cliff)

Hemphill, Essex

Henson, Matthew Alexander

Hercules, Frank

Hernton, Calvin C. (Coolidge)

Herron, Carolivia

Heyward, (Edwin) DuBose

Higginbotham, Jr., A. (Aloysius) Leon

Hill, Anita Faye

Hill Patricia, Collins

Hill, Donna

Himes, Chester (Bomar)

Hine, Darlene Clark

Hoagland, III, Everett H.

Holiday, Billie (née Eleanora Fagan)

Holly, James Theodore

Holman, M. (Moses) Carl

hooks, bell (née Gloria Jean Watkins)

Hopkins, Pauline (Elizabeth) (occasional pen name: Sarah Allen)

Horton, George Moses

Houston, Charles (Hamilton)

Houston, Drusilla (née Dunjee)

Howard University Press

Hudson, Cheryl

Hughes, (James Mercer) Langston

Hull, Akasha (née Gloria Theresa Thompson)

Hunter, Alberta

Hunter (second married name: Lattany), Kristin (née Eggleston)

Hunter, Latoya

Hunter-Gault, Charlayne

Hurston, Zora Neale

Hutson, Jean (née Blackwell)

Ice-T (né Tracey [or Tracy] Lauren Morrow [or Marrow])

Iceberg Slim (né Robert Lee Maupin; aka Robert Beck)

Jackson, Angela

Jackson, Elaine

Jackson, George Lester

Jackson, Jesse

Jackson, Sr., Jesse (Louis) (né Jesse Louis Burns-Robinson)

Jackson, Joseph Harrison

Jackson, Mae

Jackson, Mahalia

Jackson, Mattie J.

Jackson, Rebecca (née Cox)

Jacobs, Harriet Ann (pen name: “Linda Brent”)

Jakes, T. D. (Thomas Dexter)

Jeffers, Lance (né Lance Flippin)

Jenkins, Beverly (née Hunter)

Joans, Ted

Joe, Yolanda (aka Garland, Ardella)

Johnson, Amelia E. (Etta) (née Hall)

Johnson, Angela

Johnson, Charles (Richard)

Johnson, Charles (Spurgeon)

Johnson, Fenton

Johnson, Georgia (Blanche) Douglas (née Camp)

Johnson, Helene (née Helen)

Johnson, James Weldon

Johnson, John H. (Harold) (né Johnnie Johnson)

Johnson, Kathryn Magnolia

Johnson, Mat

Johnson Publishing Company

Johnson, William

Jones, Edward P.

Jones, Gayl (Amanda)

Jones, Sarah

Jones, Tayari

Jones-Meadows, Karen

Jordan, Barbara (Charline)

Jordan, June (aka her former married name, Meyer)

Josey, E. J. (Elonnie Junius)

Journals and Magazines, Literary

Just, Ernest Everett

Just Us Books

Karenga, Maulana Ron (né Ronald McKinley Everett)

Kaufman, (Robert) “Bob” (Garnell)

Keckley, Elizabeth (née Hobbs)

Keene, Jr., John R.

Kelley (aka Kelley-Hawkins), Emma Dunham

Kelley, William Melvin

Kenan, Randall

Kennedy (married name), Adrienne (née Adrienne Lita Hawkins) (occasional pseudonym Adrienne Cornell)

Killens, John Oliver

Kincaid, Jamaica (née Elaine Potter Richardson)

King, “B. B.” (Riley B.)

King, Boston

King, Coretta (née Scott)

King, Jr., Martin Luther

King, Jr., Woodie

Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press

Knight, Etheridge

Komunyakaa, Yusef (né James Willie Brown, Jr.)

Kweli, Talib (né Talib Kweli Greene)

Ladner, Joyce A.

Lane (married name), Pinkie (née Gordon)

Langston, John Mercer

Larsen, Nella (née Nellie Walker)

Latifah, Queen (née Dana Elaine Owens)

Latimer, Catherine A. (née Allen)

Latimer, Lewis Howard

LaValle, Victor

Lawrence-Lightfoot, Sara

Lee, Andrea

Lee, Barbara

Lee, Jarena

Lee, Spike (né Shelton Jackson Lee)

Lester, Julius

Lewis, David Levering

Lewis, Samella Sanders

Locke, Alain (LeRoy)

Logan, Rayford W. (Whittington)

Lomax, Louis E. (Emanuel)

Lorde, Audre (née Audrey Geraldine Lorde) (aka Gamba Adisa)

Lotus Press

Love, Nat (aka “Deadwood Dick”)

Love, Rose Leary

Lynch, John R. (Roy)

Lyndon, Cesar

Mackey, Nathaniel

Madgett (2nd married name), Naomi Long (née Naomi Cornelia Long)

Madhubuti, Haki (né Don L. [Luther] Lee)

Major, Clarence

Malveaux, Julianne (Marie)

Marrant, John

Marshall (married name), Paule (née Burke)

Marshall, Thurgood

Matheus, John F. (Frederick)

Mathis (married name), Sharon (née Bell)

Matthews (married name), Victoria (née Earle)

Mayfield, Curtis

Mayfield, Julian (Hudson)

Maynard, Nancy Hicks (né Nancy Alene Hall)

Mays, Benjamin Elijah

McDonald, Janet A.

McDuffie, Dwayne Glenn

McElroy (married name), Colleen (née Johnson)

McFadden, Bernice L. (aka Geneva Holliday)

McGhee, “Brownie” (Walter Brown)

McGirt, James E. (Ephraim)

McGruder, Aaron (Vincent)

McKay, Claude (né Festus Claudius McKay)

McKay, Nellie Yvonne (née Reynolds)

McKissack (married name), Patricia L’Ann (née Carwell)

McMillan, Terry

McPherson, James Alan

Mebane, Mary E. (Elizabeth)

Meriwether (1st married name; 2nd married name: Howe), Louise (née Jenkins)

Merrick, Lyda (née Moore)

Messenger, The

Micheaux, Oscar

Miller, E. (Eugene) Ethelbert

Miller, Kelly

Miller (married name: Sullivan), May

Millican (2nd married name), Arthenia (Bernetta) J. (née Jackson) Bates (1st married name)

Milner, Ronald

Mitchell, Loften

Monroe, Mary (née Nicholson)

Moody, Anne (née Essie Mae)

Moore, Opal

Morrison, Toni (née Chloe Anthony Wofford)

Mosley, Walter (Ellis)

Moss (married name), Thylias (née Thylias Rebecca Brasier)

Mossell, Gertrude Bustill

Motley, Willard

Moutoussamy-Ashe, Jeanne

Mowry, Jess

Mullen, Harryette (Romell)

Murphy, Beatrice M.

Murphy, Carl

Murray, Albert L.

Murray, Daniel Alexander Payne

Murray, (Anna) “Pauli” (Pauline)

Myers, Walter Dean (né Walter Milton Myers)

National Association of Black Journalists

Naylor, Gloria

Neal, “Larry” (Lawrence Paul)

Neely, Barbara

Negro: An Anthology

Negro Digest (1942–1951, 1961–1970); renamed Black World (1970–1976), and later First World (1977–1983)

Negro World

Nell, William C. (Cooper)

Nelson, Jill

Nelson, Kadir (KadirNelson)

New York Age

Newsome, (Mary) Effie (née Lee)


Nkombo (aka Echoes from the Gumbo)


North Star, Frederick Douglass’ Paper, and Douglass Monthly

Northup, Solomon

Nugent, Richard (Bruce) (a.k.a. Richard Bruce, Bruce Nugent)

OBAC, Organization of Black American Culture

Obama, II, Barack (Hussein)

Obsidian: Black Literature in Review

Okorafor, Nnedi

Oliver, Diane (Alene)

Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life

Oral Tradition (including Griots, Storytelling, not Oratory and Speeches)

Organizations, Clubs, and Collectives

Ormes, “Jackie” (née Zelda Jackson)

Osbey, Brenda Marie

Owen, Chandler

Packer, ZZ

Page, Clarence

Painter, Nell (née Irvin)

Park, Robert E. (Ezra)

Parker, Pat (née Patricia Cooks)

Parks, Sr., Gordon

Parks, Suzan-Lori

Parsons (common-law husband’s surname), Lucy Gonzalez

Patterson, Lillie

Patterson, Orlando

Patterson, Raymond R.

Patterson, William

Payne, Daniel A. (Alexander)

Payne, Ethel L. (Lois)

Paynter, John H.

Pennington, James W. (William) C. (Charles) (né Jim Pembroke)

Perkins, Eugene (aka Useni Eugene Perkins)

Peterson, Louis (Stamford)

Petry, Ann (née Lane)

Pharr, Robert Deane

Phillips, Carl


Pickens, William

Pickett, Wilson

Pietri, Pedro Juan

Pittsburgh Courier

Plato, Ann

Plumpp, Sterling

Polite, Carlene (née Hatcher)

Porter, James Amos

Porter Wesley, Dorothy Louise (née Burnett)

Poston, Ted (né Theodore Roosevelt Augustus Major Poston)

Poussaint, Alvin Francis

Powell, Jr., Adam Clayton

Powell, Sr., Adam Clayton

Powell, Kevin

Prince, Mary

Prince (married name), Nancy (née Gardner)


Pryor, Richard


Quarles, Benjamin

Quill Club

Raboteau, Emily

Rahman, Aishah (née Virginia Hughes)

Rainey, Gertrude (née Pridgett) “Ma”

Rampersad, Arnold

Randall, Alice (née Mari-Alice Randall) (aka Alice Randall Ewing)

Randall, Dudley (Felker)

Randolph, A. (Asa) Philip

Rankine, Claudia

Raspberry, William (James)

Ray, Henrietta Cordelia

Razaf, Andy

Reagon, Bernice (née Johnson)

Reason, Charles L.

Redbone Press

Redding, (James) “Jay” Saunders

Redding, Otis

Redmond, Eugene

Reed, Ishmael

Remond, Sarah (née Parker)

Rhodes, Jewell Parker

Richards, Beah (aka Beulah Richardson)

Richardson, Willis

Ridley, John

Riggs, Marlon Troy

Ringgold (2nd married name), Faith (née Faith Willi Jones)

Rivers, Conrad Kent

Robeson (married name), Eslanda (“Essie”) Cardozo (née Goode)

Robeson, Paul

Robinson, Max (né Maxie)

Rock, Chris (né Christopher Julius Rock III)

Rodgers, Carolyn (Marie)

Rogers, Joel Augustus

Rollins, Charlemae (née Hill)

Roper, Moses

Ross, Fran

Ross-Barnett, Marguerite

Rowan, Carl T. (Thomas)

Ruffin, Josephine St. Pierre

Ruggles, David

Rush, Gertrude E. (née Durden)

Russwurm, John (né Brown)

Rustin, Bayard

Rux, Carl Hancock (né Carl Stephen Hancock)

Sage: A Scholarly Journal on Black Women

Salaam, Kalamu ya (né Vallery Ferdinand III)

Sanchez, Sonia (Benita) (née Wilsonia Driver)

Sanders, Dori

Sapphire (née Ramona Lofton)

Saunders, Charles R.

Scarborough, William Sanders

Schomburg, Arthur A. (né Arturo Alfonso Schomburg) (occasional pseudonym: Guarionex)

Schuyler, George Samuel

Schuyler, Philippa Duke

Scott, Jr., Nathan A. (Alexander)

Scott-Heron, Gil

Séjour, Victor (né Juan Victor Séjour Marcon-Ferrand)

Senna, Carl

Shakur, Assata Olugbala (née Jo Anne Deborah Byron; married name: Chesimard)

Shakur, Tupac (2Pac)

Shange, Ntozake (née Paulette Williams)

Shepherd, Reginald

Shine, Ted (Theodis)

Shockley, Ann (née Ann Allen)

Simmons, Herbert Alfred

Simmons, William J.

Sissle, Noble

Slave Narratives

Smith, Amanda (née Berry)

Smith, Anna Deveare

Smith, Barbara

Smith, Effie Waller

Smith, Jessie (née Carney)

Smith, Lillian Eugenia

Smith, Venture

Smith, William Gardner

Smitherman, Geneva (aka Geneva Smitherman-Donaldson)

Southerland, Ellease (aka Ebele Oseye)

Southern, Eileen Stanza (née Jackon)

Spear, Chloe

Spence, Eulalie

Spencer (married name), “Anne” (née Annie Bethel Bannister)

Spillers, Hortense J.

Spingarn, Arthur B. (Barnett)


Spivey, Victoria Regina

Steele, Claude M. (Mason)

Steptoe, John (Lewis)

Sterling (married surname), Dorothy (née Dannenberg)

Steward, Theophilus Gould

Stewart, Maria W. (née Maria Miller)

Still, William

Stone, Chuck (né Charles Sumner Stone, Jr.)

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Sundiata, Sekou (né Robert Franklin Feaster)

Survey Graphic

Tanner, Benjamin Tucker

Tanner, Obour

Tarry, Ellen

Tate, Claudia

Tate, Eleanora E.

Taylor, Mildred (Delois)

Taylor, Susan L.

Taylor, Susie (née Baker King)

Terrell, Mary Eliza (née Church)

Terry (married name: Prince), Lucy

Third World Press (TWP)

Thomas, Joyce Carol

Thomas, Lorenzo

Thomas, Piri (né Juan Pedro Tomás)

Thompson, Era Bell

Thurman, Howard

Thurman, Wallace (Henry)

Tillman, Katherine Davis (née Chapman)

Tolson, Melvin (Beaunorus) (“Cap”)

Toomer, Jean (né Nathan Pinchback Toomer)

Torrence, Jackie

Touré, Askia Muhammad Abu Bakr el (né Rolland Snellings)

Trethewey, Natasha

Trickster Tales

Trotter, Geraldine (“Deenie”) (née Pindell)

Trotter, James Monroe

Trotter, (William) Monroe

Troupe, Jr., Quincy (Thomas)

Truth, Sojourner (legal name: Isabella Van Wagenen; slave name: Isabella Baumfree)

Tubman, Harriet (née Araminta Ross; renamed Harriet by her mother)

Turner, Darwin T. (Theodore Troy)

Turner, Henry McNeal

Turner, Lorenzo Dow

Turner, Nat

Turpin, Waters (Edward)

Tyree, Omar (Rashad) (né Antwynne McLaurin; aka “Urban Griot”)

Tyson, Neil deGrasse


Van Dyke, Henry

Van Peebles, Melvin (né Melvin Peebles)

van Sertima, Ivan (Gladstone)

Van Vechten, Carl

Vann, Robert Lee

Vashon, George B. (Boyer)

Vernon, Olympia

Voice of the Negro, The

Vroman, Mary Elizabeth

Walcott, Derek (Alton)

Walker, A’Lelia (née Lelia Mc Williams)

Walker, Alice

Walker, David

Walker (married name: Alexander), Margaret (Abigail)

Walker, Rebecca (né Rebecca Leventhal)

Walker, Wyatt Tee

Walrond, Eric (Derwent)

Walter, Mildred Pitts

Walton, Anthony

Waniek (1st married name; 2nd married name: Wilkenfield), Marilyn (née Nelson) (aka Marilyn Nelson)

Ward, Douglas Turner

Ward, Jesmyn (jesmimi)

Ward, Samuel (Ringgold)

Ward, Theodore

Washington, Booker T. (né Booker Taliaferro)

Waters, Ethel

Weatherly, Tom

Weaver, Afaa M. (Michael) (né Michael S. Weaver)

Weaver, Robert C. (Clifton)

Webb, Frank J. (Johnson)

Wells-Barnett (née Wells), Ida B. (Bell) (aka “Iola”)

Welsing, Frances (née Cress)

Wesley, Charles Harris

Wesley, Valerie Wilson

West, Cornel (Ronald)

West, Dorothy

Wheatley (married surname: Peters), Phillis

Whipper, Frances A. (née Rollin)

Whipper, William

White, Paulette (née Childress)

White, Walter F. (Francis)

Whitehead, Colson

Whitfield, James Monroe

Whitman, Albery Allson

Wideman, John Edgar

Wilkins, Roger Wood

Wilkinson, Brenda (Scott)

Williams, Chancellor

Williams, Edward Christopher (aka Bertuccio Dantino)

Williams, George Washington

Williams, John A. (Alfred)

Williams, Patricia J. (Joyce)

Williams, Jr., Peter

Williams, Robert Franklin

Williams, Samm-Art (né Samuel Arthur)

Williams, Sherley Anne

Williams, Jr., Spencer

Williams, III, Stanley Tookie (aka inmate CDC# C29300)

Williams-Garcia, Rita (né Rita Williams)

Wilson, August (né Frederick August Kittel)

Wilson, Harriet E. (née Harriet E. Adams) (aka Hattie E. Wilson)

Wilson, William Julius

Winfrey, Oprah (Gail)

Wonder, Stevie (né Stevland [Hardaway] Judkins Morris)

Woodson, Carter G. (Godwin)

Woodson, Jacqueline (Amanda)

Wright, Charles S. (Stevenson)

Wright, Courtni (né Crump)

Wright, Jay

Wright, Richard (Nathaniel)

Wright, Sarah E. (Elizabeth)

X, Malcolm (né Malcolm Little; Islamic name: El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz)

X, Marvin (né Marvin Ellis Jackmon) (aka El Muhajir; aka Nazzam al Fitnah Muhajir; aka Marvin X Jackmon)

Yarbrough, Camille (aka Nana Camille Yarbrough; enthroned titles, Naa Kuokor Agyman I Queen Mother, Nana Tabuoa Tonko II)

Yerby, Frank G. (Garvin)

Young, Al (né Albert James Young)

Young, Kevin

Young, Jr., Whitney M. (Moore)

Zu-Bolton, III, Ahmos

Primary Documents

The Forme of a Binding Servant, 1635

An Indentured Servant’s Letter Home, 1623

Colonial Laws

A Minute Against Slavery, Addressed to Germantown Monthly Meeting, 1688

Phyllis Wheatley: Letter to Rev. Samson Occum February 11, 1774

Alexander Falconbridge, The African Slave Trade (1788)

Inventory of Estate of Mark Cosby 1752 November 20

Bars Fight

To the Right Honourable William, Earl of Dartmouth

A Narrative of the Most Remarkable Particulars in the Life of James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, an African Prince, as related by Himself

Proclamation of Earl of Dunmore

Vermont’s 1777 Constitution, the First to Outlaw Slavery

Free at Last

Steal Away to Jesus

Swing Low Sweet Chariot

Absalom Jones and Richard Allen Preamble of the Free African Society, 12 April 1787

Excerpt from Olaudah Equiano’s Slave Narrative, 1789

Letter from Benjamin Banneker to Thomas Jefferson

Response to Benjamin Banneker

Letter to William Basset

Excerpt from The Poetical Works of George M. Horton, the Colored Bard of North Carolina To Which is Prefixed The Life Of The Author, Written by Himself

Our Paper and Its Prospects

Sojourner Truth (1797-1883): Ain’t I A Woman?

“What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”

Excerpt from the Dred Scott v. Sanford Decision, 1857

Interview with Walter Calloway

The Emancipation Proclamation

The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Our Raison D’être.

The Honorable Frederick Douglass’s Letter to Ida Wells

How It Feels to Be Colored Me,

Excerpt from Zora Neale Hurston’s Cold Keener, A Revue

Testimony of Fannie Lou Hamer

The Ballot or the Bullet

Excerpt from Black Power Speech

The Black Panther Platform, October 1966

The Combahee River Collective Statement Combahee River Collective

Inauguration Poem

Praise Song for the Day

Nobel Lecture, December 7, 1993

A More Perfect Union “The Race Speech”

A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement


Appendix A: Chronology of Writers

Appendix B: Chronology of Firsts

Appendix C: Timeline

Appendix D: Writers by Genre

Appendix E: Writers by Occupation

Appendix F: References

Appendix G: Key to References