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Critical Survey of Poetry: Topical Essays

Table of Contents

Table of Contents—Critical Survey of Poetry: Topical Essays

Bibliography: Topical Essays

Guide to Online Resources: Topical Essays

Time Line: Topical Essays

Major Awards: Topical Essays

Geographical Index of Essays: Topical Essays

Glossary of Poetical Terms: Topical Essays

African American Poetry

African Poetry

Asian American Poetry

Australian and New Zealand Poetry

Canadian Poetry

Caribbean Poetry

Catalan Poetry

Chinese Poetry

Croatian Poetry

Czech Poetry

East German Poetry

English and Continental Poetry in the Fourteenth Century

English Poetry in the Fifteenth Century

English Poetry in the Sixteenth Century

English Poetry in the Seventeenth Century

English Poetry in the Eighteenth Century

English and American Poetry in the Nineteenth Century

English and American Poetry in the Twentieth Century

European Oral and Epic Traditions

French Poetry to 1700

French Poetry Since 1700

German Poetry to 1800

German Poetry: 1800 to Reunification

German Poetry Since Reunification

Greek Poetry in Antiquity

Greek Poetry Since 1820

Hungarian Poetry

Indian English Poetry

Italian Poetry to 1800

Italian Poetry Since 1800

Japanese Poetry to 1800

Japanese Poetry Since 1800

Latin American Poetry

Latin Poetry

Latino Poetry

Macedonian Poetry

Native American Poetry

Polish Poetry

Postcolonial Poetry

Russian Poetry

Scandinavian Poetry

Serbian Poetry

Slovak Poetry

Slovenian Poetry

Spanish Poetry to 1400

Spanish Poetry Since 1400

Tibetan Poetry

Metaphysical Poets

Restoration Poetry

Romantic Poets

Fireside Poets

French Symbolists



Harlem Renaissance

Beat Poets

Confessional Poets

New York School

Movement Poets

Black Mountain School

Green Movement Poets

Criticism from Plato to Eliot

Archetypal and Psychological Criticism

Cultural Criticism

Feminist Criticism

Formalistic Criticism

Linguistic Criticism

Marxist Criticism

New Historicism

Postcolonial Criticism

Queer Theory

Structuralist and Poststructuralist Criticism

Explicating Poetry

Language and Linguistics