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Critical Insights: Animal Farm

Table of Contents

About This Volume, Thomas Horan

On Animal Farm, Thomas Horan

Biography of George Orwell, Thomas Horan

His Fable, Right or Left: Orwell, Animal Farm, and the Politics of Critical Reception, Erik Jaccard

Animal Farm and the American Left, 1945-1947, Bradley Hart

Rendering Animals: Thought for Food, Meat for Metaphor, Gregory Brophy

From “A Fairy Story” to “Darning a Worn-Out Sock, Cadging a Saccharine Tablet, Saving a Cigarette End”: Narrative Strategies in George Orwell’s Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, Rafeeq O. McGiveron

Are Rats Comrades? Metaphor and Allegory in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, Brian Ireland

Writing Revolution: Orwell’s Not-So-Plain Style in Animal Farm, Paige Busby

“This World and the Next”: Religious Text and Subtext in Animal Farm, Camilo Peralta

“Just Smile and Nod”: The Absent Malcontent in Animal Farm, Charity Gibson

From Eric to Tony Blair: Animal Farm in Modern British Political Discourse, Richard Carr

The Typecasting of Female Characters in George Orwell’s Animal Farm and Disney’s Zootopia, Melanie A. Marotta

Tensions, Tenor, and Vehicle: Animal Farm and the Evolution of the Animal Fable, Josephine A. McQuail

A Tale of Violence: Animal Farm as an Allegory of Social Order, Dario Altobelli

The Biopolitics of Totalitarianism in Orwell’s Animal Farm, Andrew Byers

The Function of Humor in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, Robert C. Evans

Chronology of George Orwell’s Life

Major Works by George Orwell


About the Editor
