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The Reference Shelf: American Political Speeches

Table of Contents

10 Years after Katrina

12 Million Undocumented Workers in Balance

A Basis for Russian-American Peace

A Contract with America

A Four-Year Vision for America

A More Accountable Gun Culture

A Nation of Immigrants

A New Beginning- A New Direction

A Time to Act

A Vision for Better Education- Areas of Surprising Agreement

Address to a Joint Meeting of Congress

Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People

Address to the Nation from New Orleans

Amazing Grace

America's Permanent Interests

American and Internationalism

American Policy in the Pacific

Announcement on the Auto Industry

Call for Restructuring of the Intelligence Community

Changing the American High School to Fit Modern Times

Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity- Combating Discrimination

Combating Crime

Could NATO Expansion Lead to Nuclear War?

Cuban Missile Crisis

Cutting Costs and Covering America- A 21st Century Health Care System

Dark Money Donors, Show Yourselves

Democracy and Racial Minorities

Democratic National Convention

Dodd-Frank Not Real Reform, Just More of the Same

E-government for the 21st Century

Education Is Essential to a Better Life

Eliminating the Threat

Families Are Saying Enough Is Enough

Financial Reform Must Not Lead to More Taxpayer-Funded Bailouts

Finding Common Ground

Food Safety and Bioterrorism Legislation

For the Federal Fair Employment Practices Act

Hate Crimes- A Model Response

Hell No, You Cant

Helping Women across the Arc of Life

I Saw a Woman Today

Ich Bin Ein Berliner

Immigration Bill Hurts Workers

Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris

It Is Time to Reassess Our National Priorities

Keynote Remarks at the Launch of the World Bank's Gender at Work Report

National Emergency

NATO Expansion

New American Strategies for Security and Peace

On Civil Rights

On the Iran Nuclear Deal

Opening Statement on Campaign Finance Reform

Operation Desert Storm

Political Conscience

Preserving the Environment and Liberty

Progress and Opportunity for the Disabled

Progress in the War on Terror

Public Opinion and Democratic Government

Puerto Ricans Are US Citizens, but Our Citizenship Is Second Class

Radio Address to the Nation

Remarks at the Aspen Environment Forum

Remarks at the Fifth Annual Green Power Marketing Conference

Remarks at the Pentagon on the Tenth Anniversary of 9-11

Remarks Before the American Muslim Council

Remarks by the President on Economic Mobility

Remarks by the President on Wall Street Reform

Remarks on Iraq

Remarks on Judicial Independence- The Situation of the U.S. Federal Judiciary

Remarks on the Fifth Anniversary of the No Child Left Behind Act

Remarks on the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System

Safe and Sound- Strengthening American Security Today

Second Inaugural Address

Solving the Guest Worker Problem Leads to Immigration Reform

Speech at the 45th Munich Security Conference

Speech at the National Press Club

Speech to the American Society of International Law

Stricter Gun Control Legislation- A Waste of Time

Teaching Individual Self-restraint- Taking Responsibility for Your Children's Actions

Tenth Anniversary of 9-11

Terrorism Grows in the Absence of Progress

Testimony at the Hearing on Stem Cell Research

Testimony Before the House Committee

The American People Are Angry

The Challenger Astronauts

The Endangered Children of Northern Uganda

The Function of Democracy

The Gift of Anastasia

The Health-Care Decision of the Supreme Court

The Korean Armistice

The Marshall Plan

The Massachusetts Foreclosure Crisis

The New Frontier

The Occupy Movement

The Right to Bear Arms Is an Individual Right

This Is Our Quest- To Fight for the Right

This Is Your Victory

To Provide for the Common Defense

Tribute to the Astronauts of the Space Shuttle Columbia

Understanding and Empathy

War Address

We Will Not Fail Our Children

Welcome to the Rally for the Republic and the Revolution

Women During the War

Women in Politics