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The Reference Shelf: U.S. National Debate Topic 2019-2020: Arms Sales

Table of Contents


1 History

Risk and Reward: The History of Arms Trading in the United States

A World of Weapons: Historians Shape Scholarship on Arms Trading

Where Did Iran Get Its Military Arms over the Last 70 Years?

“Merchants of Death”: The International Traffic in Arms

Let’s Talk about George H.W. Bush’s Role in the Iran-Contra Scandal

How British Businesses Helped the Confederacy Fight the American Civil War

As the US Entered World War I, American Soldiers Depended on Foreign Weapons Technology

Losing by “Winning”: America’s Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria

2 Economics of the Arms Trade

Checks and Balances: The Economy of Warfare

How the Arms Trade Is Used to Secure Access to Oil

The Global Arms Trade Is Booming: Buyers Are Spoiled for Choice

Defense Firms Say Trump’s Saudi Arms Deal Will Create 500 American Jobs, While Trump Claimed as Many as 500,000

Trump to Unleash More Global Arms Sales

Arming the World: Inside Trump’s “Buy American” Drive to Expand Weapons Exports

Why Congress Supports Saudi Arms Sales

3 Arms and Foreign Policy

Guns and Diplomats: The Arms Trade and Foreign Policy

The Trump Administration Has a Plan to Compete with Russia and China over Weapon Sales

After Khashoggi, US Arms Sales to the Saudis Are Essential Leverage

US Remains Top Arms Exporter, but Russia Is Nipping at Its Heels

U.S. Approves New Military Sale to Taiwan, Drawing China’s Ire

U.S. Policy in the Arabian Peninsula: An Evaluation

Why Military Assistance Programs Disappoint: Minor Tools Can’t Solve Major Problems

America Needs to Sell More Weapons

Japan Wants Cruise Missiles (and That Should Terrify China or North Korea)

The New Iron Curtain: Russian Missile Defense Challenges U.S. Air Power

The Uneasy Co-Existence of Arms Exports and Feminist Foreign Policy

4 The Wrong Hands: Arms Deals, War, and Terror

The Wrong Hands

Sale of U.S. Arms Fuels the Wars of Arab States

Time to Rethink America’s Vast Arms Deals

Fired Up Over Firearms: How Do Export Controls Relate to 3-D Printing of Guns?

Pentagon Loses Track of $500 Million in Weapons, Equipment Given to Yemen

Can Selling Weapons to Oppressive and Violent States Ever Be Justified?

American Weapons in the Wrong Hands

5 The Human Cost

The Human Dimension: Arms Trades and Human Rights

How U.S. Guns Sold to Mexico End Up with Security Forces Accused of Crime and Human Rights Abuses

Ukraine: US Arms Sales Making Big Business Money While Ordinary People Pay the Price

U.S. Points Finger, and Arms Exports, at Human Rights Abusers

Want to Punish Saudi Arabia? Cut Off Its Weapons Supply

Trump Will Fuel War across World by Increasing U.S. Global Arms Sales

Arms Sales to Saudi “Illicit” Due to Civilian Deaths in Yemen: Campaigners

Trump’s Arms Exports Rules Will Undermine US Security and Risk Human Rights Abuses

