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Racial & Ethnic Relations in America

Table of Contents

Publisher's Note


Table of Contents: Racial & Ethnic Relations in America

Ability Testing and Bias

Abolition Movement

Aboriginal Canadians

Accent Discrimination


Acculturation, Generational

Adarand Constructors v. Peña

Adolescent Ethnic Identity

Affirmative Action

African American Baptist Church

African American Cowboys

African American-American Indian Relations

African Americans: an overview

African Americans: cultural impact

African Americans: education

African Americans: employment

African Americans: families and socialization

African Americans: film

African Americans: in the Civil War

African Americans: literature

African Americans: music

African Americans: stereotypes

African Americans: Women and social equality

African Canadians



AIDS Conspiracy Theory

Alaska Native Brotherhood and Alaska Native Claims Settlement

Alcatraz Island occupation

Alexander V. Holmes County Board of Education

Alianza Federal de Mercedes

Alien Land Laws

Alienation, racial and ethnic

Allotment system

AME Church

AME Zion Church

Amerasian Homecoming Act

American Anti-Slavery Society

American Colonization Society

American Council on Race Relations

American Indian Activism

American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month

American Indian civil rights

American Indian Civil Rights Act

American Indian Defense Association (AIDA)

American Indian Movement

American Indian Policy Review Commission

American Indian Religious Freedom Act

American Indian Slavery

American Indians: Agriculture

American Indians: an Overview

American Indians: dance and music

American Indians: Demographics

American Indians: Education

American Indians: Families and Socialization

American Indians: film

American Indians: in the justice system

American Indians: Stereotypes

American Indians: women and social equality

American Jewish Committee

American Jewish Congress (AJC)

American Nazi Party (ANP)


Amish, Hutterites, and Mennonites

Amistad Slave Revolt

Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH)



Anglo-Protestant stereotypes



Annihilation or expulsion of peoples


Anti-Defamation League


Antislavery laws of 1777 and 1807

Apache Wars

Arab Americans: an Overview

Arab Americans: demographics

Arab Americans: stereotypes

Arab Canadians

Arizona Senate Bill 1070

Aryan “race”

Aryan Nations

Ashkenazic and German Jews

Asian American Gangs

Asian American Legal Defense Fund (AALDEF)

Asian American Movement

Asian Americans: an introduction

Asian Americans: education

Asian Americans: Employment

Asian Americans: families and socialization

Asian Americans: film

Asian Americans: Stereotypes

Asian Americans: Women

Asian Indians in Canada

Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (Apala)

Assimilation: cultural and structural

Assimilation: theories

Atlanta Compromise

Attitude-receptional assimilation

Authoritarian personality theory

Bakke Case

Banking practices and racial relations

Baseball and the early impact of African Americans

Batson v. Kentucky

Behavior-receptional assimilation


Bilingual Education Act

Bilingual Education and Racial Relations

Bilingualism in Canada

Biosocial theories and race relations

Biracialism and multiracialism

Black “brute” and “buck” stereotypes

Black Cabinet

Black church

Black codes

Black colleges and universities

Black conservatism

Black conservatism: Four Key Characteristics of Black Conservatives

Black flight

Black History Month: an overview

Black Is Beautiful movement

Black Jews

Black LGBTQ Community

Black Lives Matter

Black Middle class/black underclass relations

Black nationalism

Black Panther Party (BPP)

Black Power movement


Blackness and whiteness (legal definitions)

Black-on-black violence

Bleeding Kansas

Bloc Québécois

Blue laws

Bolling v. Sharpe

Border patrols

Bracero program

Brain drain

British as dominant group

Broadcast media: All in the Family

Brown v. Board of Education

Buchanan v. Warley

Buddhist holidays and celebrations

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)

Burke Act

Busing and school integration

Cable Act


Cambodian Americans

Campus Ethnoviolence

Canadian policy on refugees

Canarsie riots

Capital punishment and race

Carlisle Indian School

Caste Model (American South)

Catholic holidays and celebrations


Celtic Irish

Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood

Charleston church shooting of 2015

Charleston race riots (1865)

Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Charter of the French Language

Charter Schools and Racial/Ethnic Relations

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia and Worcester v. Georgia

Cherokee Tobacco case

Chicago Conference (1961)

Chicano movement: Chicano

Chin murder


Chinese American Citizens Alliance

Chinese Americans

Chinese Canadians

Chinese Exclusion Act

Chinese Six Companies

Christian Front

Christian Identity movement

Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. Hialeah

Cities and ethnic diversity

Citizens Councils

Citizenship Act

Civic Assimilation

Civil Liberties Act of 1988

Civil Liberties in the United States

Civil Rights

Civil Rights Act of 1957

Civil Rights Act of 1960

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Civil Rights Act of 1968

Civil Rights Act of 1991

Civil Rights Acts of 1866-1875

Civil Rights cases

Civil Rights

Civil Rights movement

Children in the Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987

Civil War and race relations

“Classless” society

Class Theories of Racial/Ethnic Relations

Clinton massacre of 1875

Code switching

Colegrove v. Green

Colfax massacre (1873)

College admissions and race relations

College entrance examinations and race relations

Colliflower v. Garland

Colonial model of racism

Color coding

Colored Women’s League

Columbus and indigenous peoples

Competition theory and human ecology

Compromise of 1850

Compromise of 1877

Confiscation Acts of 1861 and 1862

Conformity theories

Congress of Racial Equality

Congressional Black Caucus

Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC)

Conquest and annexation and race relations

Conservatives and Racial/Ethnic Relations

Constitutional racism

Contact and adaptation patterns

Contact hypothesis


Cooper v. Aaron

Council of Federated Organizations (COFO)

Crack cocaine and race relations


Cress theory

Crime and race/ethnicity

Criminal justice system and racial and ethnic relations

Crime trends


Critical race theory

Crown Heights conflicts

Cuban American National Foundation (CANF)

Cuban Americans

Cuban Revolution

Cuban-African American relations

Cultural citizenship

Cultural pluralism

Cultural relativity v. ethnocentrism

Culture and language

Culture of poverty

Cultures of resistance


Daca (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)

DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents)

De facto and de jure segregation

Declaration of First Nations

Deference rituals

Delano Grape Strike

Delgamuukw v. British Columbia

Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development

Desegregation of the US defense industry

Desegregation of US public schools

Determined Residents United for Mohawk Sovereignty (DRUMS)

DETROIT riot (1967)


Discrimination: an introduction

Discrimination: behaviors

Discrimination: direct institutionalized

Discrimination: direct v. indirect

Discrimination: indirect institutionalized

Discrimination: intentional v. unintentional

Discrimination: overt/expressed v. covert

Discrimination: racial and ethnic

Discrimination: responses to

Discrimination: spatial dimensions

Discrimination: systemic

Disease and intergroup contact

Disfranchisement laws in Mississippi


Disparate impact theory

Distinct society concept


Diversity training programs

DNA profiling: an overview

Dominant group

Dominican Americans

Draft riots (1863)

Drugs and racial/ethnic relations

Duro v. Reina

Dyer antilynching bill

Eastern European Jews

Eastern Orthodox holidays and celebrations ebonics

Economics and race

Edmonson v. Leesville Concrete Company

Education and racial/ethnic relations

Egalitarian symbiosis

Elk v. Wilkins

Employment Division v. Smith

Employment in Canada

Enclave economies

English-only and official English movements

Entitlement programs

Entrepreneurship in ethnic minority communities

Environmental racism

Epithet transfer

Epithets and pejorative language

Equal educational opportunity

Equal Employment Opportunity Act

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission


Equality of opportunity

Ethnic cleansing

Ethnic enclaves

Ethnic heritage revival

Ethnic identities of women

Ethnic identity: choice and development

Ethnic studies programs

Ethnicity and ethnic groups

Ethnocentrism in American history


Ethnogenesis theory




European immigration to Canada: 1867–present

European immigration to the United States: 1790–1892

European immigration to the United States: 1892–1943

Ex parte Crow Dog

External colonialism

Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC)

Fair Housing Act

Fascism in Canada

Federal riot

Federally recognized tribes

FEMA response to Hurricane Katrina: an overview

Ferguson unrest

Fifteen Principles

Fifteenth Amendment

Filipino Americans and race relations

Filipino Veterans’ movement

Financial crisis of 2008 and communities of color

First Nations-white relations in Canada

Fisher v. University of Texas


Foreign professionals in the United States

Fourteenth Amendment


Frank lynching

Free African Society

Free blacks

Freedmen’s Bureau

Freedom Riders

Freedom Summer

Free-Soil Party

French Canadian women

French Canadians

Friends of the Indian

Frustration-aggression theory

Fugitive slave laws

Fullilove v. Klutznick

Fusion movement

Gadsden Purchase

Gendered racism

General Allotment Act

Genetic basis for race

The Bell Curve Debate: Race, Intelligence, and Genes

Genocide of American Indians

Genocide: cultural

Genocide: physical

Gentlemen’s Agreement

German Americans

Ghost Dance religion

Glass ceiling

Globalization’s impact on US racial/ethnic demographics

Goetz incident

Graham v. Richardson

Grandfather clauses

Great Migration

Greek Americans

Green v. County School Board of New Kent County

Greensboro sit-ins

Griffin v. Breckenridge

Griggs v. Duke Power Company

Grovey v. Townsend

Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty

Guinn v. United States


Haitians and Haitian refugees

Hansen effect

Harlem Renaissance

Harlins, Latasha, murder

Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections

Hate Crime Statistics Act

Hate crimes and racial relations

Hate speech

Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Americans

Hawkins murder

Head Start

Health care and racial/ethnic relations

Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States

Hindu Holidays and Festivals

Hip hop culture

Hirabayashi v. United States

Hispanic v. Latino

Hispanic/Latino discrimination

Hmong Americans


Holocaust denial

Homelessness and racial/ethnic relations

Horton incident

Housing and race relations

Human Rights Act

Hurricane Katrina and FEMA’s response

Hymietown statement




Identification assimilation

Ideological racism

Immigrant advantage

Immigrant bashing

Immigrant women

Immigrants in the military

Immigration Act of 1917

Immigration Act of 1924

Immigration Act of 1943

Immigration Act of 1990

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

Immigration and emigration

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)

Immigration law in Canada

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

Immigration restrictions: an overview

Immigration’s positive impact on US society


Indentured servitude


Indian Act of 1876

Indian Act of 1951

Indian Act of 1985

Indian Americans

Indian Appropriation Act

Indian Child Welfare Act

Indian Citizenship Act

Indian Claims Commission

Indian Education Acts

Indian Gaming Regulatory Act

Indian New Deal

Indian offenses

Indian preference

Indian Removal Act

Indian Reorganization Act

Indian Rights Association (IRA)

Indian Territory

Indian-white relations in Canada

Indian-white relations in the United States

Indigenous superordination

Individual racism


Initiative on Race

Institutional racism


Intelligence and race

Internal colonialism

Internalized racism

International Indian Treaty Council

Interracial and interethnic friendship

Interracial and interethnic marriage

Iranian Americans

Irish American stereotypes

Irish Americans

Irish Catholic “race”

Irish–African American relations



Israeli Americans

Italian American stereotypes

Italian Americans

Jamaican Americans

Japan bashing

Japanese American internment

Japanese Americans

Jewish American outmarriage

Jewish Americans

Jewish Americans as a middleman minority

Jewish Canadians

Jewish Defense League (JDL)

Jewish ethnicity

Jewish Federations of North America

Jewish Holidays and Celebrations

Jewish stereotypes

Jewish women

Jewish-African American relations

Jewish-Muslim relations

Jim Crow laws

Job Corps and racial relations

John Brown’s raid

Jones Act of 1917

Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Company

Judaism and ethnic relations

Jury nullification

Jury selection

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Keeler Commission

Keetoowah Society

Keyes v. Denver School District No. 1

King assassination

King case

Know-Nothing Party

Komagata Maru incident

Korean Americans

Korean-African American relations

Korematsu v. United States

Ku Klux Klan

Ku Klux Klan Acts

Labor movement and race relations

Latinos: an overview

Latinos: employment

Latinos: families and socialization

Latinos: film

Latinos: stereotypes

Latinos: women (Latinas)

Lau v. Nichols

League of United Latin American Citizens

The Liberator

Lincoln-Douglas debates

Literacy tests

Little Bighorn

Little Havana

Little Italies

Little Rock school desegregation

Little Tokyos

Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock

Long Walk

Longest Walk

Loo murder

Los Angeles riots of 1992

Lynchings in American history

Lyng v. Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Association

Machine politics



Majority and minority

MANA (organization)


Mariel boatlift

Marital assimilation


Marxist models

Mass incarceration of African Americans and other ethnic minorities

Massachusetts “Body of Liberties”

Massie case

McCleskey v. Kemp

Meech Lake Accord

Melting pot theory

Meritocracy myth



Mexican Americans and Mexican immigrants

Miami riots of 1980

Middleman minorities

Migrant detention centers

Migrant superordination

Military and racial/ethnic relations

Military desegregation

Milliken v. Bradley

Million Man March

Million Woman March

Minority and majority groups

Minority voting districts

Miscegenation laws in the US

Missions, missionaries, and American Indians

Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

Missouri Compromise

“Model” minorities

Molly Maguires


Montgomery bus boycott

Moose Lodge No. 107 v. Irvis


Morrill Land Grant Act of 1890

Motown Records

Moynihan Report



Multiculturalism Act

Multiculturalism in Canada

Multiracial identity

Multiracial movement

Muslim holidays and celebrations

Muslims in North America

Naïveté explanation of racism

Nation of Islam

National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Legal Defense and Educational Fund

National Association of Colored Women

National Black Women’s Political Leadership Caucus

National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA)

National Coalition on Racism in Sports and Media

National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)

National Council of American Indians

National Council of Colored People

National Council of La Raza

National Council of Negro Women

National Indian Association

National Indian Youth Council

National Urban League (NUL)

Native American

Native American Church

Native American Church v. Navajo Tribal Council

Native American gaming and gambling

Native American mascot controversy

Native American Rights Fund

Native American studies


Naturalization Act of 1790

Navajo Rehabilitation Act

Navajo War

Navajo-Hopi Land Settlement Act


Negro Conventions


New York City slave revolt

Newark race riots

Newberry v. United States

News media and racial/ethnic relations

Nez Perce exile

Niagara Movement

Nisga’a Agreement in Principle

9/11 attacks and racial/ethnic relations

Nixon v. Herndon

Nonviolent resistance (racial relations)

Nordic “race”

The North Star

Northwest Ordinance

Nunavut Territory

Obama, Barack, First African-American US President

Obergefell v. Hodges

October crisis

Official Languages Act

Oka crisis

Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act of 1936

Ole Miss desegregation

Oliphant v. Suquamish Indian Tribe

One-drop rule

Operation Bootstrap

Operation Wetback

Oppositional culture

Oppression mentality

Orangeburg massacre


“Other” theory and racial and ethnic relations


Ozawa v. United States

Padilla v. Commonwealth of Kentucky

Page law




Pasadena City Board of Education v. Spangler

Passing and race relations

Patriarchal system

Peltier case

Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery

People of color

People v. George Hall

Peyote religion

Philadelphia riots

Philippine insurrection

Pine Ridge shootout

Platt Amendment

Plessy v. Ferguson

Pluralism v. assimilation

Pluralism v. particularism

Plyler v. Doe


Police brutality

Polish Americans

Political cartoons and Islam: an overview

Political correctness

Politics and racial/ethnic relations in Canada

Politics of hate

Poll tax

Poor People’s March on Washington

Popé’s Revolt

Popular media: portrayals of race and ethnicity

Positive ethnocentrism

Post-Columbian West Indies uprisings

“Post-racial” or “color-blind” society

Poverty and race

Power elite


Prejudice and discrimination: Merton’s paradigm

Prejudice and stereotyping

Prejudice: effects

Prejudice: reduction

Presidential election of 2012

President’s Committee on Civil Rights (1946)

Proclamation of 1763

Progressive inclusion theory of assimilation

Proposition 187

Proposition 209

Progressive inclusion theory of assimilation

Proslavery argument

Protestant holidays and celebrations

Psychological theories of intergroup relations

Psychology of racism

Public Law 280

Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund

Puerto Rico

Push and pull factors (race relations)

Quotas and race relations

R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul

Race as a concept

Race card

Race relations cycle

Race riots of 1866

Race riots of 1943

Race riots in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries

Race-class debate


Racial and ethnic demographics in Canada

Racial and ethnic demographics trends

Racial and ethnic tolerance

Racial formation theory

Racial hierarchy

Racial profiling: an overview

Racial propaganda

Racial/ethnic jokes and humor

Racial/ethnic relations in Canada

Racial/ethnic relations: theoretical overview

Racial formation theory

Racial profiling

Racism as a “system of advantage”

Racism as an ideology

Racism: changing nature over time

Racism: history of the concept

“Racial” versus “ethnic”

Rainbow PUSH Coalition

Reapportionment cases


Red Scare

Redemption period



Redress movement

Refugee fatigue

Refugees and racial/ethnic relations

Refugees, US policy on

Reitman v. Mulkey

Relative deprivation theory

Religion-based ethnicities

Relocation of American Indians

Reparations for slavery


Representation: gerrymandering, malapportionment, and reapportionment

Reservation system of the United States

Reserve system of Canada

Restitution to Native Americans

Restrictive or racial covenants


“Reverse” racism

Reynolds v. Sims

Richmond v. J. A. Croson Company

Riel Rebellions

Roldan v. Los Angeles County


Roosevelt coalition

Rosenberg trial

Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP)

Runyon v. McCrary

Russian Americans

Sacco and Vanzetti trial

Sanctuary movement

Sand Creek massacre (1864)

Santa Clara Pueblo v. Martinez


Scandinavian Americans

“Scientific” racism

Scots-Irish “race”

Scott v. Sandford

Scottsboro trials

Segmented assimilation theory

Segregation in American history

Segregation on the frontier

Segregation versus integration

Self-determination and ethnicity in the US

Self-identification among Asian Americans

Self-identification among Latinos



Selma-Montgomery march

Seminole Wars


Separatist movement in Quebec

Sephardic Jewish Americans


Settlement houses

Sexual fears and racism


Shaw v. Reno

Shelley v. Kraemer

Sikhs in Canada

Sikhs in the United States

Simpson trial

Sioux War


Slave codes

Slave rebellions


Slavery and race relations

Slavery and the justice system

Slavery in the early development of North America

Smith v. Allwright

Social Darwinism and racism

Social identity theory and race relations

Social mobility and race

Social perception of others

Social rearticulation

Social stratification theories

Socialization and reference groups

Society of American Indians

Sociobiology and race

Somatic norm theory

Soul as a concept

South Carolina Statehouse Confederate Flag Controversy

Southern Conference for Human Welfare

Southwest Voter Registration Education Project

Soviet Jewish immigrants

Split labor market theory

Sports and racial relations

Standardized testing and IQ testing controversies

Standing Bear v. Crook

Status Indians


Stereotyping and the self-fulfilling prophecy

Stop and frisk

Structural assimilation

Structural racism

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

Subordinate group

Summit Meeting of National Negro Leaders

Supreme Court and ethnic representation

Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education

Sweatt v. Painter

Symbolic interactionism (racial and ethnic issues)

Symbolic racism


Taiwanese Americans

Talented Tenth

Tecumseh’s Rebellion

Termination Resolution

Teutonic “race”

Third World strike

Thomas/Hill hearings

Three-fifths compromise

Tibetans in North America



Trail of Broken Treaties

Trail of Tears

Transnationalism and ethnonationalism

Transracial adoption in the US

Treaties and agreements with Aboriginal peoples in Canada

Treaties and agreements with American Indians in the United States

Tribal councils

Tribal courts

Tribal sovereignty


Triple oppression

Turner’s slave insurrection

Tuskegee Airmen

Tuskegee experiment

Twice migrants

Tydings-McDuffie Act

Unarmed black killings by whites in the twenty-first century

Underclass theories

Underground Railroad

Undocumented immigration

Undocumented/unauthorized worker/migrant

United Farm Workers

United Jewish Appeal

United Negro College Fund (UNCF)

United States Commission on Civil Rights

United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind

United States v. Cruikshank

United States v. Kagama

United States v. Reese

United States v. Washington

United Steelworkers of America v. Weber

Universal Negro Improvement Association

Urban Indians

Urban underclass and the rural poor

USA Freedom Act

Vietnamese Americans

Vietnamese Canadians

Visible minority allophones in Canada

Voter restriction laws and initiatives

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Voting rights of American Indians

Voting rights of Canadian aboriginals

War Brides Act

War on terrorism

Wards Cove Packing Company v. Atonio

Washington v. Davis

Water rights and racial relations

Watts riot

Weber v. Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation

“Welfare queen” stereotype

Welfare reform and racial/ethnic relations

Welfare reforms of 1996

Welfare stereotypes

Welfare’s impact on racial/ethnic relations

West Indian Americans

White “race”

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP)

White Aryan Brotherhood

White church

White ethnics

White flight

White man’s burden

White Paper of 1969

White supremacist groups in the US

White trash


Wilson-Willie debate

Wisconsin v. Mitchell

Women and racism

Women of All Red Nations

Women of color

Wong Kim Ark v. United States

Work ethic and race relations

Workplace Teams and Diversity

Wounded Knee massacre (1890)

Wounded Knee occupation (1973)

Xenophobia, nativism, and eugenics

Yellow peril campaign

Yellow Power

Young Lords

Youth gangs


Zoning and race relations

Zoot-suit riots

Time Line of Racial and Ethnic Relations

Categorized List of Entries

Pioneers of Intergroup Relations

Bibliography of Racial and Ethnic Relations