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Principles of Sustainability

Table of Contents

Publisher's Note



Agricultural Runoff

Air Pollution Policy

Alternative Energy Sources

Antibiotics as Environmental Waste

Aquaculture’s Environmental Impact

Automobile Emissions

Beach Erosion

Bees and Other Pollinators

Bhopal Disaster

Biodiversity Action Plans


Biomass Conversion

Biomes and Environmental Issues

Biopesticides and the Environment

Biopiracy and Bioprospecting


Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon Dioxide Air Capture

Carcinogens in the Environment

Carrying Capacity

Chernobyl Nuclear Accident

Chlorofluorocarbons and the Ozone

Clean Air Act and Amendments

Clean Water Act and Amendments

Climate Accommodation

Climate Change and Human Health

Climate Change and Oceans

Climate Models

Cogeneration Power Systems

Commercial Fishing

Community Gardens

Coniferous Forests

Conservation Movement

Conservation Policy

Controlled Burning

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)

Coral Reefs and Coral Bleaching

Dams and Reservoirs

Dead Zones

Destruction of the Rain Forests

Detoxification (Environmental)

Detrimental Health Effects of Smog

Development Gap

Earth Day

Earth Resources Satellites

Ecological Footprint

Ecotourism: Pros and Cons

El Niño and La Niña

Electronic Waste

Endangered Species and Species Protection Policy

Energy-Efficiency Labeling

Environmental Causes of Cancer Clusters

Environmental Effects of Coal Mining and Coal Burning

Environmental Impact Assessments and Statements

Environmental Impacts of Desalination

Environmental Impacts of Raising Cattle

Environmental Refugees

Erosion and Erosion Control


Extinctions and Species Loss

Floodplains and Environmental Threats

Forest Management

Fossil Fuels and Environmental Degradation

Genetically Modified Organisms and Environmentalism


Glacial Melting

Global Biodiversity Assessment


Grazing and Grasslands

Great Barrier Reef and preservation Efforts

Green Buildings

Green Marketing


Greenhouse Gases and Air Pollution


Groundwater Pollution

Habitat Destruction

Hazardous and Toxic Substance Regulation

Hazardous Waste

Health Problems Caused by Exposure to Lead

Hybrid Vehicles

Impact of Ocean Currents on Global Climate

Incineration of Waste Products

Indoor Air Pollution

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

International Environmental Law

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Iron Fertilization

Land Clearance

Land Pollution

Land-Use Policy

Light Pollution

Logging and Clear-Cutting

Nuclear Power Industry and the Environment

Ocean Dumping

Ocean Pollution

Oil Drilling

Oil Spills

Organic Gardening and Farming

Our Common Future


Overgrazing of Livestock


Planned Obsolescence



Pollution Permit Trading

Population Growth and Environmental Impact

Positive Feedback and Tipping Points

Precautionary Principle


Radon as a Health Hazard

Rainwater harvesting

Renewable Energy

Renewable Resources

Resource Depletion

Resource Recovery

Riparian Rights

Seed Banks

Sewage Treatment and Disposal

Slash-and-Burn Agriculture

Smart Grids and Renewable Energy

Soil Conservation

Solid Waste Management Policy

Spaceship Earth Metaphor

Stormwater Management

Strip and Surface Mining

Superfund Legislation

Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Forestry

Tidal Energy

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Urban Ecology

Urban planning

Volcanoes and Weather

Waste Management

Wastewater Management

Water Conservation

Water Pollution

Water Treatment

Watershed Management


Wilderness Areas


Wildlife Refuges

Zoning Laws

U.S. Federal Laws Concerning the Environment

Directory of U.S. National Parks

Major World National Parks and Protected Areas

Environmental Organizations

Sustainability Timeline

Key Figures in Sustainability

General Bibliography