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Opinions Throughout History – Conspiracy Theories

Table of Contents

Publisher’s Note


Historical Timeline

1 Revolutionary ConspiraciesConspiracy in the Revolutionary Era (1760–1798)

2 Illuminating MythologyThe Illuminati in Reality and Fantasy (1776–Present)

3 The Boys’ ClubThe Freemasons and the Anti-Freemason Movement (1820–Present)

4 The Popish PlotsFear of Romanism and the Power of the Papacy (1830–Present)

5 Think of the ChildrenCatholic Abuse and Sexual Perversion in Conspiracy Theories (1836–Present)

6 A Deadly FearThe Origin of the Anti-Vaccination Movement (1879–Present)

7 The Gold GamblersThe Populist Party and the International Gold Ring (1895–Present)

8 The Myths of ZionJewish Conspiracies and the Threat of Zionism (1903–Present)

9 Anti-CapitalismThe Anarchist Movement and the Threat to Capitalism (1901–Present)

10 The New World OrderThe First Red Scare and the New World Order (1915–Present)

11 Denying GenocideHolocaust Denial in the Past and Present (1941–Present)

12 Fears of the EstablishmentThe Red Scare and McCarthyism (1945–Present)

13 Psychological WarfareU.S. Drug Experimentation (1953–Present)

14 Desert VisionsArea 51 and the Alien Conspiracies (1955–Present)

15 The Umbrella ManKennedy Assassination Conspiracies (1963–Present)

16 Death of a DreamConspiracies of the Civil Rights Movement (1968–Present)

17 Bad Moon RisingThe Moon Landing Hoax (1969–Present)

18 The October SurpriseThe Reagan Era and the Iran Conspiracy (1980–Present)

19 Satanic InfluenceSpiritualism, Satanism, and the 1980s Satanist Scare (1980–Present)

20 The Gay PlagueConspiracy Theories about HIV/AIDS (1981–Present)

21 An Existential ThreatThe Conspiracy to Sow Doubt about Climate Change (1996–Present)

22 Spectrum of DistrustThe Vaccine Autism Scare (1998–Present)

23 Cold-Blooded PoliticsThe Reptile Conspiracy (1999–Present)

24 The Three TowersConspiracy Theories about 9/11 (2001–Present)

25 Gun Control as a ConspiracyThe Sandy Hook Massacre and the Gun Control Movement (2012–Present)

26 How Not to Protect ChildrenThe QAnon Movement (2017–Present)

27 The Conspiracy PandemicThe COVID Pandemic and Science Denial (2019–Present)

28 The Big LieThe 2020 Presidential Election Controversy (2020–Present)

29 ConclusionFlattening the Earth



Primary & Secondary Sources


Historical Snapshots


About the Author