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Notable Natural Disasters, Second Edition

Table of Contents

Publisher’s Note

Editor’s Introduction


Table Of Contents


Blizzards, Freezes, Ice Storms, and Hail


Dust Storms and Sandstorms


El Niño







Heat Waves

Hurricanes, Typhoons, and Cyclones

Icebergs and Glaciers

Landslides, Mudslides, and Rockslides

Lightning Strikes

Meteorites and Comets




Volcanic Eruptions

Wind Gusts


Time Line


c. 65,000,000 b.c.e.: Yucatán Crater

c. 1470 b.c.e.: Thera Eruption

430 b.c.e.: The Plague of Athens

64 c.e.: The Great Fire of Rome

79 c.e.: Vesuvius Eruption

365 c.e.: Crete Earthquake

526: The Antioch Earthquake

1200: Egypt

1287: St. Lucia’s Flood

1290: Chihli Earthquake

1320: The Black Death

1520: Aztec Empire Smallpox Epidemic

1556: Shaanxi Earthquake

1657: The Meireki Fire

1665: The Great Plague of London

1666: The Great Fire of London

1669: Etna Eruption

1692: The Port Royal Earthquake

1737: Great Bengal Cyclone

1755: The Lisbon Earthquake

1780: Tabriz Earthquake

1783: Laki Eruption

1792: Unzen Earthquake and Tsunami

1811: New Madrid Earthquakes

1815: Tambora Eruption

1835: Concepción Earthquake

1839: Coringa Cyclone

1845: The Great Irish Famine

1871: The Great Peshtigo Fire

1871: The Great Chicago Fire

1872: The Great Boston Fire

1878: The Great Yellow Fever Epidemic

1880: The Seaham Colliery Disaster

1883: Krakatau Eruption

1887: Yellow River Flood

1888: The Great Blizzard of 1888

1889: The Johnstown Flood

1892: Cholera Pandemic

1896: The Great Cyclone of 1896

1896: Sanriku Tsunami

1900: The Galveston Hurricane

1900: Typhoid Mary

1902: Pelée Eruption

1906: The Great San Francisco Earthquake

1908: The Tunguska Event

1908: The Messina Earthquake

1909: The Cherry Mine Disaster

1912: Sinking of RMS Titanic

1914: The Eccles Mine Disaster

1914: Empress of Ireland Sinking

1915: Eastland Disaster

1916: The Great Polio Epidemic

1916: WWI Alpine Avalanches

1918: The Great Flu Pandemic

1920: Gansu Province Earthquake

1923: The Great Kwanto Earthquake

1925: The Great Tri-State Tornado

1926: The Great Miami Hurricane

1928: St. Francis Dam Collapse

1928: The San Felipe Hurricane

1931: Yangtze River Flood of 1931

1932: The Dust Bowl

1935: Labor Day Hurricane

1935: Yangtze River Flood of 1935

1937: The Hindenburg Disaster

1938: The Great New England Hurricane of 1938

1946: The Aleutian Tsunami

1947: The Texas City Disaster

1950s – 1960s: Minamata Bay Mercury Poisoning

1952: The Great London Smog

1953: The North Sea Flood

1957: Hurricane Audrey

1959: The Great Leap Forward Famine

1960: Valdivia Earthquake

1962: Mount Huascarán Avalanche

1963: Surtsey Island

1963: The Vaiont Dam Disaster

1964: The Great Alaska Earthquake

1965: Taal Volcano Eruption

1965: The Palm Sunday Outbreak

1966: The Aberfan Disaster

1969: Santa Barbara Oil Spill

1969: Hurricane Camille

1970: The Ancash Earthquake

1970: The Bhola Cyclone

1971: Flood in Hanoi and the Red River Delta

1972: Iran Blizzard

1972: Hong Kong Landslide Disaster

1973: Heimaey Island

1974: The Jumbo Outbreak

1975: Typhoon Nina

1976: Ebola Outbreaks

1976: Legionnaires’ Disease

1976: The Tangshan Earthquake

1979: Three Mile Island

1980’s: HIV/AIDS Pandemic

1980: Mount St. Helens Eruption

1982: El Chichón Eruption

1982: Pacific Ocean

1984: Africa

1984: Bhopal Disaster

1985: Japan Airlines Flight 123 Disaster

1985: The Mexico City Earthquake

1986: Space Shuttle Challenger Explodes

1986: Chernobyl Nuclear Accident

1986: The Lake Nyos Disaster

1987: Typhoon Nina (Sisang)

1988: Yellowstone National Park

1988: The Leninakan Earthquake

1989: Exxon Valdez Disaster

1989: Hurricane Hugo

1989: The Loma Prieta Earthquake

1991: Bangladesh Cyclone of 1991

1991: Pinatubo Eruption

1991: The Oakland Hills Fire

1992: Hurricane Andrew

1993: The Great Mississippi River Flood of 1993

1994: The Northridge Earthquake

1995: The Kobe Earthquake

1995: Ebola Outbreak

1995: Chicago Heat Wave

1996: Blizzard of ’96

1996: The Mount Everest Disaster

1997: The Jarrell Tornado

1997: Soufrière Hills Eruption

1998: Yangtze River Flood

1998: Papua New Guinea Tsunami

1998: Hurricane Mitch

1999: The Galtür Avalanche

1999: The Oklahoma Tornado Outbreak

1999: The İzmit Earthquake

2002: SARS Epidemic

2003: European Heat Wave

2003: The Fire Siege of 2003

2003: The Bam Earthquake

2004: The Indian Ocean Tsunami

2005: Hurricane Katrina

2005: The Kashmir Earthquake

2006: The Leyte Mudslide

2008: Blizzard in Afghanistan

2008: Earthquake in Sichuan Province, China

2009: “Swine Flu” Influenza Pandemic

2009: L’Aquila Earthquake

2010: BP/Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

2010: Concepción Earthquake

2010: Haiti Earthquake

2010: Eyjafjallajökull Eruption

2010: Yushu Earthquake

2010–11: Queensland Floods

2011: Hurricane Irene

2011: Fukushima Disaster

2011: Van Earthquake

2012: Hurricane Sandy

2013: Rana Plaza Collapse

2014: Oso Landslide

2015: Nepal Earthquake

2015: Mount Everest Avalanches

2015: Tropical Storm Erika

2015: Valley Fire

2015: Hurricane Joaquin

2015: Hurricane Patricia

2015-16: Zika Epidemic

2016: Alberta Wildfire

Disaster Relief Organizations and Agencies