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Speeches of American Presidents, 3rd Edition 1789‐2018

Table of Contents

Publisher’s Note


George Washington

First Inaugural Address

First Annual Message to Congress

Pacification of the Indians

Fifth Annual Message to Congress

Seventh Annual Message to Congress

Farewell Address

John Adams

Inaugural Address

The Quasi War with France

Fourth Annual Message to Congress

Thomas Jefferson

First Inaugural Address

Message to Congress about the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Second Inaugural Address

Address to the Wolf and People of the Mandan Nation

The Failure of the Embargo

James Madison

First Inaugural Address

The Course of the War

Second Inaugural Address

Farewell Address

James Monroe

First Inaugural Address

Second Inaugural Address

The Monroe Doctrine

Special Message to the Senate on the Slave Trade Convention with Great Britain

The United States and the World

John Quincy Adams

Internal Improvement

The Right of Petition

The Nature of Federal Government

Andrew Jackson

The Removal of the Indians

Second Inaugural Address

The Heroes of Bunker Hill

Defense of the Specie Circular

Martin Van Buren

Inaugural Address

The Path of Financial Recovery

William Henry Harrison

Inaugural Address

John Tyler

The Annexation of Texas

The Secession of Virginia

James Knox Polk

Texas and Oregon

Restatement of the Monroe Doctrine

The War with Mexico

Zachary Taylor

The President’s Plan

Millard Fillmore

On Neutrality in Foreign Affairs and the Compromise of 1850

Franklin Pierce

Inaugural Address

James Buchanan

The Equality of the States

The Federal Government’s Helplessness

Abraham Lincoln

Address at Cooper Institute

Farewell Address at Springfield

First Inaugural Address

Second Annual Message to Congress

Gettysburg Address

Second Inaugural Address

Last Public Address

Andrew Johnson

The Progress of Reconstruction

Washington’s Birthday Speech

Forgiving the South

Ulysses Simpson Grant

First Inaugural Address

Special Message to Congress Announcing Ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment

Confession of Failure

Rutherford Birchard Hayes

The Reconstructed South

Civilizing the Indians

Sound Currency

Federal Aid to Education

Civil Service Reform

James Abram Garfield

Revolution in Congress

Inaugural Address

Chester Alan Arthur

Dedication of the Washington National Monument

Grover Cleveland

Against Bimetallism

The Centennial of the Constitution

The Tariff Message

The Principles of Democracy

Second Inaugural Address

Benjamin Harrison

Inaugural Address

The American Worker

Remarks on the Tariff and on Voting Rights

William McKinley

Inaugural Address

War with Spain

On Imperialism

Trade Reciprocity

Theodore Roosevelt

The Strenuous Life


Westward Expansion

The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

Second Inaugural Address

The Man with the Muckrake


The New Nationalism

A Confession of Faith

William Howard Taft

The Achievements of the Republican Party

Inaugural Address

The Tariff

Dollar Diplomacy

Woodrow Wilson

First Inaugural Address

The Tariff

Latin American Policy

Too Proud to Fight

The Sussex Affair

War Message

The Fourteen Points

Sixth Annual Message

For the League of Nations

Warren Gamaliel Harding

Inaugural Address

The Rights of Black Citizens

The Burial of the Unknown Soldier

Calvin Coolidge

Inaugural Address

Government and Business

The Farmer and the Nation

The Kellogg-Briand Pact

Herbert Clark Hoover

Acceptance Speech

The Veterans’ Bonus

Agriculture and the Depression

The Consequences of the Proposed New Deal

The Bill of Rights

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

A New Deal

First Inaugural Address

The Good Neighbor Policy

Social Security

Second Inaugural Address

The Reorganization of the Judiciary

The Arsenal of Democracy

The Four Freedoms

Day of Infamy

Gearing for War

Campaign Speech

The Yalta Conference

Strong and Active Faith

Harry S Truman

The Destruction of Hiroshima

The Truman Doctrine

Whistle-Stop Talks

The Fair Deal

Slandermongers and Real Americans

The Struggle for Civil Rights

Farewell Address

Dwight David Eisenhower

First Inaugural Address

A Chance for Peace

Don’t Join the Bookburners

Atoms for Peace

The Double Crisis

The Situation in Little Rock

The Eisenhower Doctrine in Lebanon

The U-2 Incident

Farewell Address

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

The New Frontier

Inaugural Address

Putting a Man on the Moon

The Quest for Peace

The Cuban Missile Crisis

Civil Rights and National Morality

Ich Bin Ein Berliner

A Step Toward Peace

Lyndon Baines Johnson

Let Us Continue

The War on Poverty

The Great Society

We Shall Overcome

Peace Without Compromise

Why Are We in Vietnam?

Announcement of Refusal to Seek Reelection

Richard Milhous Nixon

Checkers Speech

First Inaugural Address

The Pursuit of Peace

The Invasion of Cambodia

The New American Revolution

The New Economic Policy

The Moscow Summit

The Watergate Case

The Resignation Speech

Gerald Rudolph Ford

First Presidential Address

The Pardon for Nixon

Whip Inflation Now

The Energy and Economic Crisis

Farewell Address

Jimmy Carter

Fireside Chat

Human Rights and Foreign Policy

The Panama Canal

Peace in the Middle East

Energy and National Goals

The Carter Doctrine

Rescue Attempt

Farewell Address

Ronald Wilson Reagan

First Inaugural Address

The New Federalism

The Evil Empire

Star Wars

The Central American Threat

Lebanon and Grenada

Terrorist States

The United Nations’ 40th Anniversary

The Challenger Disaster

The Iceland Summit

The Iran-Contra Affair

Remarks on East-West Relations at the Brandenburg Gate

Farewell Address

George Herbert Walker Bush

Acceptance Speech

Inaugural Address

The Invasion of Panama

The Gulf War

The New World Order

The Los Angeles Riots

William Jefferson Clinton

First Inaugural Address

The Oslo Accords

Reform of the Health Care System

What Would Martin Luther King Say?

Condemning the Militias

Affirmative Action

Second Inaugural Address

Gay Rights

Address to Arkansas Democrats

Confession in the Lewinsky Affair

Statement on Impeachment

Air Strikes Against Iraq

Postponement of the Nuclear Missile Shield

Farewell Address

George Walker Bush

First Inaugural Address

Address to the Nation on September 11, 2001

Second State of the Union Address

Address to the Nation on Military Operations in Iraq

Second Inaugural Address

Barack Hussein Obama

First Inaugural Address

Address to the NAACP Centennial Convention

Remarks on Health Care Reform

First State of the Union Address

Remarks on Signing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Remarks Announcing Death of Osama bin Laden

Gun Control Speech 1-15-16

Farewell Address

Donald John Trump

Inaugural Address

Boy Scout Jamboree Speech

Arizona Rally Speech

Statement to the United Nations