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Defining Documents in American History: Native Americans (1451-2017)

Table of Contents

Publisher’s Note

Editor’s Introduction


Early Encounters and Conflicts

Iroquois Thanksgiving Address

Christopher Columbus: Letter to Raphael Sanxis on the Discovery of America

John Smith: The Generall Historie of Virginia

Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

Appeal to Choctaws and Chickasaws

Memorial to Congress

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia

Worcester v. Georgia

Western Wars and Aftermaths

Battle of Sand Creek: Editorials and Congressional Testimony

Treaty of Fort Laramie

Status Report on the Condition of the Navajos

Accounts of the Battle of Little Bighorn

Address of the Lake Mohonk Conference on Indian Affairs

Dawes Severalty Act

Trouble on the Paiute Reservation

Wounded Knee Massacre: Statements and Eyewitness Accounts

New Lives and Circumstances

Charles Eastman: Indian Boyhood

The Surrender of Geronimo

The Ghost Dance Religion – Wovoka’s “Messiah Letter” and Z.A. Parker’s “The Ghost Dance Among the Lakota”

Edward S. Curtis: Introduction to The North American Indian

A New Deal for American Indians

Letter Recommending Navajo Enlistment

Indian Civil Rights Act

Indians of All Tribes Occupation of Alcatraz: Proclamation

“Trail of Broken Treaties” Twenty-Point Position Paper

American Indian Movement—National Operational Goal

President Gerald Ford’s Statement on Signing the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975

American Indian Religious Freedom Act

Later Developments

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

Summary of Letter Requesting Further Review of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) and Memorandum Opinion re. Vacatur

Chronological List

Web Resources
