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Defining Documents in World History: Middle Ages (476–1500)

Table of Contents

Publisher's Note

Editor's Introduction



Byzantium and Western Europe in the Early Middle Ages

Codex Justinianus: Children of the Unfree

Novella 146: On Jews

Excerpt from the Visigothic Code

The Farmer's Law, from Byzantium

The Laws of Alfred, Guthrum, and Edward the Elder

The Laws of King Alfred

The Catholic Church and its Vicissitudes

Four Documents from the Investiture Controversy

A Truce of God, Decree of the Emperor Henry IV

The Crusaders in Mainz, May 27, 1096

Excerpt from “The Capture of Jerusalem”

Excerpt from Historia Constantinopolitana

Statute in Favor of the Princes

Report from China

Letter to Gregory XI

England and France

The Assize of Clarendon

Letter from Peter of Blois to Queen Eleanor of England

Excerpt from Dialogue Concerning the Exchequer

On the Rules of Love and Chivalry

Magna Carta

Three Summonses to the Parliament of 1295

Ordinances of the Merchant Gild of Southampton

The Battle of Poitiers, from The Chronicles of Froissart

Excerpts from The Book of the City of Ladies

Excerpt from The Treasure of the City of Ladies

Letter to the King of England from Joan of Arc

Excerpt from the Trial of Joan of Arc

The Near East and Beyond

The Pact of Umar: Peace Accord to the Christans of Syria

Ibn Battuta Makes the Pilgrimage to Mecca and Travels to Baghdad

Ibn Battuta's Travels in Cairo, Damascus, and Jerusalem

Ibn Battuta's Travels to Mali

Philosophy, Religion, and Science

On Fate and Providence, from The Consolation of Philosophy

Excerpt from St. Anselm's Proslogium, or Discourse on the Existence of God

“In Behalf of the Fool”: A Response to St. Anselm

Prologue to Sic et Non

“Of the Perils of His Abbey,” from Abelard's Historia Calamitatum

Testament of St. Francis

On the Principles of Nature

Excerpt from Summa Theologica

“On Experimental Science”

Excerpt from The Love of Books

Chronological List

Web Resources
