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Defining Documents in American History: Environment & Conservation

Table of Contents

Publisher’s Note

Editor’s Introduction



William Bartram: Travels

The Journals of Lewis and Clark

John C. Fremont: “Expedition across the Sierra Nevadas”

Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Nature” and “The American Scholar”

Susan Fenimore Cooper: Rural Hours

Homestead Act of 1862

George Marsh: Man and Nature

Henry David Thoreau: The Maine Woods


John Wesley Powell: Canyons of the Colorado

An Act Establishing Yellowstone National Park

Carl Schurz: “On the Need for Federal Forest Conservation”

William T. Hornady: “The Extermination of the American Bison”

John Muir: “Features of the Proposed Yosemite National Park”

Gifford Pinchot: Letters to John Muir

Theodore Roosevelt: On the Conservation of Natural Resources

Declaration of the Conservation Conference

Henry Beston: The Outermost House

Stuart Chase: Waste in the Machine Age

Letter from a Dust Bowl Survivor

Robert Fechner: My Hopes for the CCC

Aldo Leopold: “Death of a Species”

Paley Commission Report: Resources for Freedom

Antarctic Treaty


Rachel Carson: Silent Spring

Paul Ehrlich: The Population Bomb

Garrett Hardin: “The Tragedy of the Commons” and “The Global Pothole Problem”

Gaylord Nelson: Proposal for Earth Day

Clean Air Act Amendments

Richard Nixon on the Need for Environmental Regulation

Clean Water Act

Marine Mammal Protection Act

Endangered Species Act

Greenpeace: “Declaration of Interdependence”

James Lovelock: The Gaia Hypothesis

Jimmy Carter on the Three Mile Island Incident

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

Arne Naess: “Explaining Deep Ecology”

James Hansen: The Case for Climate Change

Exxon-Valdez Oil Spill: A Report to the President

Al Gore: Address to the Kyoto Climate Change Conference

Paula Dobriansky: “On Working Together to Build Prosperity”

Massachusetts v. Environmental Protection Agency

Report on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Paris Agreement on Climate Change

Flint, Michigan: Water Crisis


Chronological List

Web Resources
