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Defining Documents in American History: The American Economy

Table of Contents

Publisher’s Note

Editor’s Introduction


Commerce & Controversy in Earlier Times

“Advice to a Young Tradesman”

Adam Smith, from The Theory of Moral Sentiments

Letter from Robert Morris to Alexander Martin

Federalist No. 35 (Concerning the General Power of Taxation)

Patent Act of 1790

Thomas Jefferson on the Constitutionality of a National Bank

Alexander Hamilton on the Constitutionality of a National Bank

The Whiskey Tax of 1791 and George Washington’s Proclamation Regarding the Whiskey Rebellion

McCulloch v. Maryland

Henry Clay’s Speech on American Industry

Gibbons v. Ogden

Andrew Jackson’s Bank Veto Message

Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge

The Discovery of Gold in California

“Cotton Is King”

Treaty between the United States and Great Britain for the Suppression of the Slave Trade

“The Money Power”

Booms & Busts In A Growing Economy

Documents Relating to Black Friday, 1869

Observations Regarding the Transcontinental Railroad

Cornelius Vanderbilt Cartoon, Map, and Illustration

Bell Telephone Patent

From Progress and Poverty

Sharecropping Contract

Dawes Severalty Act

Andrew Carnegie: “The Gospel of Wealth”

Eugene Debs: “What Can We Do for Working People?”

Sherman Antitrust Act

"Wall Street Owns the Country"

Populist Party Platform

President Grover Cleveland on Repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act

“Political Causes of the Business Depression”

“The Absurd Effort to Make the World Over”

“Cross of Gold” Speech

From The Theory of the Leisure Class

Theodore Roosevelt on Corporate Trusts

Eugene V. Debs: “How I Became a Socialist”

Robert La Follette on Amending the National Banking Laws

John D. Rockefeller on Standard Oil

Remarks on Politics and Business

Federal Reserve Act

Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Clayton Act

A Survey of American War Readiness

From My Life and Work, by Henry Ford

Crash, Burn and Recovery in the Great Depression

President Hoover Responds to the Stock Market Crash

President Roosevelt: Fireside Chat on “The Forgotten Man”

FDR on Government’s Role in the Economy

President Roosevelt: Fireside Chat Outlining the New Deal

John Maynard Keynes: An Open Letter to President Roosevelt

“Share Our Wealth” Address

Letter-Report Concerning the Tennessee Valley

FDR on Social Security

Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States

President Roosevelt: Fireside Chat on the Current Recession

Mid-Century Modern

Lend-Lease Act

From Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy

Letter to Robert Oppenheimer regarding a “Special Laboratory” in New Mexico

From The Fountainhead

From The Road to Serfdom

Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer

What’s Good for General Motors…

Eisenhower Message to Congress Regarding a National Highway Program

Eisenhower on Science in National Security

National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958

Patent Application for “Miniaturized Electronic Circuits”

JFK: “We Choose to Go to the Moon”

Proposal for a Nationwide War on the Sources of Poverty

IBM System 360 Announcement

Business and Economics in Recent Decades

“The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits”

The “Powell Memo”: Attack on the Free Enterprise System

Gerald R. Ford’s State of the Union Address, 1975

Bill Gates’ Letter to Hobbyists

Jimmy Carter’s Second State of the Union Address

The Laffer Curve

Ronald Reagan on the Strategic Defense Initiative

“Greed Is Good”

Lost American Jobs Tied to Unfair French Competition

North American Free Trade Agreement

Netscape Network Navigator Web Browser Launch

Interview with Former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker

Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Paula Dobriansky: “On Working Together to Build Prosperity”

Apple Announces the iPhone

Lehman Brothers—Announcement of Bankruptcy

Foreclosure in the Nation’s Capital: How Unfair and Reckless Lending Undermines Homeownership

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act—A Synopsis

From Big Business: A Love Letter to an American Anti-Hero

Congressional Leaders on a Second COVID-19 Relief Package

New Jersey Adopts “Millionaire’s Tax”


Chronological List

Web Resources
