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Defining Documents in World History: The 20th Century (1900-1950)

Table of Contents

Publisher’s Note

Editor’s Introduction


Volume 1

Africa and the African Diaspora

Peace of Vereeniging

Marcus Garvey on “Back to Africa”

W. E. B. Du Bois: An Open Letter to Warren G. Harding

Aimé Césaire—from “Notebook of a Return to the Native Land”

Notices from the Fifth Pan-African Congress

Asian Affairs

Henry Cabot Lodge: Speech on the Retention of the Philippine Islands

“Subjugation of the Philippines Iniquitous”

Boxer Protocol

Sun Yat-sen: “The Three Stages of Revolution”

The Treaty of Portsmouth

Japan’s 21 Demands and China’s Reply

The Problem of Japan—A Japanese View

Henry Stimson to Senator Borah Regarding the Nine-Power Treaty

Korean Declaration of Independence

Mohandas Gandhi: Statement at Trial

Jawaharlal Nehru’s Speech on the Occasion of Indian Independence

Euroamerican and World Affairs

Entente Cordiale

Anglo-Russian Entente

Proclamation of the Provisional Government of the Irish Republic

Report on Armenian Genocide

Vladimir Lenin—On the Tasks of the Soviet Government

U.S. Participation in the Archangel Expedition in Russia

Fourteen Points

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Treaty of Versailles

Covenant of the League of Nations

Locarno Pact

The Kellogg-Briand Pact

On the Multilateral (Kellogg-Briand) Pact

John Maynard Keynes: An Open Letter to President Roosevelt

Anti-Comintern Pact

Munich Agreement

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

Tripartite Pact

Bretton Woods Agreements

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

¡No Pasarán! (“They Shall Not Pass!”)

Volume 2

Latin American Affairs

Platt Amendment

Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

Act of Chapultepec

Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance

Pact of Bogota

The “Díaz System” in Mexico

Plan de San Luis de Potosi

Plan of Ayala

Henry Cabot Lodge: Speech on Mexico

U.S.–Mexico Tensions

The Zimmerman Telegram

On Intervention in Nicaragua

The Middle East

Proclamation of the Young Turks

Hussein-McMahon Correspondence

Sykes-Picot Agreement

Charter of the Arab League

Balfour Declaration

Palestine Mandate

White Paper of 1939

Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel

Women in the World

Emma Goldman: “Marriage and Love”

Emmeline Pankhurst: “Freedom or Death”

“Women’s Suffrage in a Democratic Republic”

Margaret Sanger: “The Prevention of Conception”

Simone de Beauvoir: Introduction to The Second Sex

Technology, Medicine, and the Environment

The Wright Brothers’ First Powered Flight

“Lindbergh’s Paris Trip Makes Him World Hero”

The First Gas Attack

The Effects of Shell Shock

An Army Physician on the 1918 Flu Pandemic

Stuart Chase: Waste in the Machine Age

Aldo Leopold: “Death of a Species”

Atomic Explosion in the USSR

International Control of Atomic Energy


Chronological List

Web Resources
