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Defining Documents in American History: The 1930s (1930–1939)

Table of Contents

Publisher's Note

Editor's Introduction


Setting Up the New Deal

President Roosevelt: Fireside Chat on “The Forgotten Man”

FDR on Government's Role in the Economy

Herbert Hoover Speaks Against the New Deal

Letter From Herbert Hoover to Franklin D. Roosevelt

President Roosevelt: Fireside Chat Outlining the New Deal

John Maynard Keynes: An Open Letter to President Roosevelt

Letter-Report Concerning the Tennessee Valley

FDR on Social Security

Speech Against the President's “Court Packing” Plan

President Roosevelt: Fireside Chat on the Current Recession

The Hatch Act

Unemployment and Relief

Bumming in California

United We Eat—The Phenomenon of Unemployed Leagues

Letter From a Dust Bowl Survivor

Letter Regarding Assistance to the Poor

Memories of the Flint Sit-Down Strike

It's a Great Life in the CCC

I'd Rather Not Be on Relief

What REA Service Means to Our Farm Home

My Hopes for the CCC

Women, Minorities, and Youth

Women on the Breadlines

Eleanor Roosevelt: What Ten MiIllion Women Want

Eleanor Roosevelt on Women and the Vote

The Repatriation of Mexicans and Mexican Americans

The Hurricane of 1932 in Puerto Rico

A New Deal for American Indians

Indians at Work

A Negro in the CCC

Letter Regarding the Needs of Puerto Ricans in New York

Plea from a Scottsboro Boy

Dear Mrs. Roosevelt

Our Jobless Youth: A Warning

What Does American Democracy Mean to Me?

The Bonus Army

Herbert Hoover to Reed Smoot Regarding the Bonus Loan Bill

Attack on the Bonus Army

Veterans March to Washington

Foreign Policy

Henry Stimson to Senator Borah Regarding the Nine-Power Treaty

Criticism of the Neutrality Act

Neutrality Act of 1935

Defense of the Neutrality Act

Address Delivered by the Secretary of State

Winston Churchill: The Lights are Going Out in Europe

Winston Churchill: A Hush Over Europe

Charles Lindbergh: Neutrality and War

Culture, Crime, and More

The National Anthem Established: The Star Spangled Banner

What I Knew About John Dillinger

The Hindenburg Disaster

From the Federal Writers' Project: Cape Cod Pilot

On The War of the Worlds Radio Broadcast

Lou Gehrig: Farewell to Baseball

Chronological List

Web Resources
