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Defining Documents in American History: The 1910s (1910-1919)

Table of Contents

Publisher’s Note

Editor’s Introduction


Domestic Developments

Progressive Party Platform

Sixteenth Amendment to the US Constitution

Theodore Roosevelt: An Autobiography

Woodrow Wilson: Second Inaugural Address

Federal Reserve Act

Billy Sunday: “Get on the Water Wagon”

Emma Goldman: “The Philosophy of Atheism”

Woodrow Wilson: Address at Gettysburg

Theodore Roosevelt: Speech to the New York Republican State Convention

Eighteenth Amendment to the US Constitution

Volstead Act

Schenck v. United States

The War Front

The Austro-Hungarian Ultimatum and the Serbian Response

Espionage Act of 1917

Zimmermann Telegram

Woodrow Wilson: Address to Congress Leading to a Declaration of War against Germany

Robert La Follette: Speech Opposing War with Germany

Eugene V. Debs: Antiwar Speech

Woodrow Wilson: Fourteen Points

Railway Administration Act

Treaty of Versailles

International Affairs

Emiliano Zapata: Plan of Ayala

Henry Cabot Lodge: Speech on Mexico

Balfour Declaration

Woodrow Wilson: Address in Support of a World League for Peace

Covenant of the League of Nations

Labor and Immigration

Dillingham Commission Report

Louis D. Brandeis: “The Jewish Problem: How to Solve It”

Samuel Gompers: Circular to the Organizers of the American Federation of Labor

Hammer v. Dagenhart

Women’s Rights

Jane Addams: “Why Women Should Vote”

Margaret Sanger: “The Prevention of Contraception”

Alice Paul: Testimony before the House Judiciary Committee

African American Affairs

Act in Relation to the Organization of a Colored Regiment in the City of New York

Monroe Trotter’s Protest to Woodrow Wilson

Guinn v. United States

William Pickens: “The Kind of Democracy the Negro Expects”

NAACP: Thirty Years of Lynching in the United States

Chronological List

Web Resources
