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Defining Documents in American History: The 1900s (1900-1909)

Table of Contents

Publisher’s Note

Editor’s Introduction


Politics and Reform

William McKinley: Last Speech

Eugene V. Debs: “How I Became a Socialist”

Lincoln Steffens: “The Shame of Minneapolis”

Anna Howard Shaw: Address on the Place of Women in Industry and Address on the Condition of Women in Industry

American Antiquities Act

Pure Food and Drug Act

Jane Addams: “Passing of the War Virtues”

Muller v. Oregon

Robert La Follette: Speech on the Amendment of National Banking Laws

Samuel Gompers: Editorial on the Supreme Court Ruling in the Danbury Hatters’ Case

Foreign Challenges

Henry Cabot Lodge: Speech on the Retention of the Philippine Islands

The Insular Cases: Downes v. Bidwell

Boxer Protocol

Vladimir Lenin: What Is to Be Done?

Panama Canal Treaty

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

The Treaty of Portsmouth

John Kenneth Turner: Barbarous Mexico

African American Debates

Ida B. Wells: “Lynch Law in America”

George H. White: Farewell Address to Congress

Booker T. Washington: “Statement on Suffrage”

W. E. B. Du Bois: The Souls of Black Folk

W. E. B. Du Bois: “The Parting of the Ways”

Ida B. Wells: “Booker T. Washington and His Critics”

Niagara Movement Declaration of Principles

Theodore Roosevelt: Brownsville Legacy Special Message to the Senate

Native American Life

Charles Eastman: Indian Boyhood

Edward S. Curtis: Introduction to The North American Indian

Religion and Philosophy

Rufus M. Jones: “Essential Truths”

Rudolf Steiner: Theosophy


Chronological List

Web Resources
