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Defining Documents in World History: The 17th Century (1601-1700)

Table of Contents

Publisher’s Note

Editor’s Introduction


Europe: Science, Religion, and Law

Galileo Galilei: Starry Messenger

Letter of Cardinal Bellarmine to Paolo Antonio Foscarini concerning Galileo’s Theories

Miguel de Cervantes: Don Quixote

Treaty of Westphalia

Czar Alexis I: Great Muscovite Law Code

Louis XIV: Edict of Fontainebleau

England: Civil War and Revolution

James I: Speech on the Divine Right of Kings

Westminster Confession

Charles I: Speech on the Scaffold

Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan

Habeas Corpus Act of the Restoration

John Bunyan: The Pilgrim’s Progress

Isaac Newton: The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

English Bill of Rights

John Locke: Second Treatise on Civil Government

Christianity and Society in the East

Tokugawa Ieyasu: Laws Governing Military Households

Japan’s Closed Country Edict

Matteo Ricci: “Religious Sects among the Chinese”

Li Yü: “On Being Happy Though Poor”

Regent Dorgon: Edict to the Board of War and Imperial Edict to the Board of Rites

Meritorious Deeds at No Cost

Yang Guangxian: I Cannot Do Otherwise (Budeyi)

Kangxi Emperor: Edict of Toleration

The Muslim World: Trade and Toleration

Raag Gond

Charles Davenant: An Essay on the East-India Trade

Jahangir: Twelve Decrees

European Colonies in the Americas: The English Mid-Atlantic

John Rolfe: Letter to Sir Edwin Sandys

Richard Frethorne: Letter to His Parents

John Smith: The Generall Historie of Virginia

Cecil Calvert: Maryland Toleration Act

Virginia’s Act XII: Negro Women’s Children to Serve according to the Condition of the Mother

Nathaniel Bacon: Manifesto

“A Minute against Slavery, Addressed to the Germantown Monthly Meeting”

Declaration of Protestant Subjects in Maryland

European Colonies in the Americas: New England

Letter of Edward Winslow to a Friend

John Winthrop: “A Model of Christian Charity”

Excerpts from the Massachusetts Bay Colony Trial against Anne Hutchinson

Roger Williams: The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution

Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson

Declaration of the Gentlemen, Merchants and Inhabitants of Boston, and the Country Adjacent

Sir Edmund Andros: Report of His Administration

European Colonies in the Americas: Other Colonies

Samuel de Champlain: Voyages

Charter of the Dutch West India Company

Father Paul Le Jeune: Brief Relation of the Journey to New France

Adriaen Van der Donck: Description of the New-Netherlands

António Vieira: “Children of God’s Fire”


Chronological List

Web Resources
