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Critical Survey of Graphic Novels: History, Theme, & Technique, Second Edition

Table of Contents

Publisher’s Note


Contributor List


Ancient Times to 1920: The Evolution of Sequentially Imaged Narratives

1920’s-1950’s: Early Storytelling Attempts a Format Similar to the Modern Graphic Novel

1960’s: The Foundations of Today’s Graphic Novels

1970’s: Social Justice, Self-Discovery, and the Birth of the Graphic Novel

1980’s: The Graphic Novel Grows Up

1990’s: Comics as Literature

2000’s: From Novelty to Canon

2010’s: Technological and Cultural Expansion

African American Portrayal: The Depiction of Black History, Culture, and Experience Through Sequential Art and Text

African Graphic Novels: Affirmations of National Identity

The Art World and Graphic Novels

Awards for Graphic Novels: Recognizing Excellence

Censorship and the Graphic Novel

Classical Comics: Graphic Novel Adaptations of Classical Literature

Cold War and Graphic Novels, The

Comic Book Ages: A History as Organized by Readers

Comic Book Conventions and Cultural Practice

The Comics Code: Its Origin and Effects on the Comics Industry

Comics Scholarship

“Comics” vs. “Graphic Novels”: Is It All in the Binding?

The Contribution of the Alternative Comics Movement

Distribution of Graphic Novels: History and Practice

Educational Comics

European Graphic Novels: The Rich Diversity of the European Continent Since 1960

Feminism in Graphic Novels

Film Adaptations: From Printed Page to Silver Screen

Folklore, Mythology, and the Comic Book Format: A Contemporary Tradition

From Savage Tales to Heavy Metal: How Magazines for Mature Audiences Influenced the Rise of the Graphic Novel

Gender Evolution in Graphic Novels

The Historical Impact of Film

History and Uses of the Term “Graphic Novel”

Latino Identity: An Account of Otherness

Library Collection Development and Graphic Novels

Literacy and the Graphic Novel: Prejudice, Promise, and Pedagogy

Marvel Comics’ Thor, 1962-1968

Online Graphic Novels: Boundless Beginnings

Pornography in Graphic Novels: Criticism and Censorship

A Postmodern Art Form: Graphic Novels as Postmodern “Texts”

Propaganda in Graphic Novels: Sex, War, and Politics!

The Relevancy Revolution

Revising Superhero History: Comics, Characters, and Multimedia

Stan Lee, the Man Who Popularized American Comics and Graphic Novels

Superheroes as Twentieth Century American Mythology: New Gods for a New World

Underground Comix Movement: Words and Pictures out of the Mainstream

Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art

Will Eisner, Graphic Novelist

Women as Readers


Action and Adventure: Decline of the Possible Impossible

Animal Instincts: Diverse Depictions of Anthropomorphism

Autobiography and Memoir in Graphic Novels

The Bible: Graphic Revelations of an Old Medium

Comedy, Satire, and the Codes of Graphic Humor

Crime Pays: The Crime and Mystery Genre

Espionage, Spies, and Skullduggery: Comic Book Counterintelligence

Fantasy: An Old Genre in a New Medium

Funny Animals: Whimsy and Worry in the World of Animal Narratives

History and Historical Fiction: The Many Faces of Graphic History

Horror Comics: The Birth, Death, and Reanimation of a Genre

Manga and Its Impact on the Graphic Novel

Manhwa: South Korean Comics

Nonfiction Graphic Novels: The Limits of Perspective

Satire and Parody in Graphic Novels

Science Fiction: Expanding the Genre

Seeing How Comics Work: Defining and Legitimizing Comics as Visual Storytelling

Superheroes: Archetypes for the Modern Myth

Violence in Graphic Novels: Historical and Cultural Necessity

The War Genre in Graphic Novels

Western Genre in Graphic Novels: The Transformation of the Cowboy, and His Frontier

Women in Graphic Novels: Evolution and Representation


The Art of Designing the Graphic Novel

Basic Visual Trends in Comics, Manga, and Graphic Novels

Script, Pencils, Color, Comic! The Collaborative Process of Graphic Novel Production

Drawing the Graphic Novel

Penciling as Process and Narrative Tool

Inking: Adding Depth and Definition

Embellishing: Creating Effects with Ink

The Application of Color to Sequential Art

Lettering in Comics: Giving Sound to a Silent Medium

Scripting a Unique Medium

Continuity in Comic Book Storytelling


Glossary of Terms and Techniques


Guide to Online Resources


Major Awards

Recommended Readings:


