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Continental Congresses

Table of Contents




Andrew Adams

John Adams

Samuel Adams

Thomas Adams

Robert Alexander

Andrew Allen

John Alsop

Benjamin Andrew

Annapolis State House

John Armstrong, Sr.

John Armstrong, Jr.

Jonathan Arnold

Peleg Arnold

The Articles of Confederation

John Baptista Ashe

Samuel John Atlee

Crispus Attucks


Reverend Isaac Backus

Abraham Baldwin

John Banister

The Bank of the United States

Robert Gibbes Barnwell

Dr. Josiah Bartlett

John Bubenheim Bayard

John Beatty

Gunning Bedford

Gunning Bedford, Jr.

Thomas Bee

Egbert Benson

Richard Beresford

Edward Biddle

William Bingham

Jonathan Blanchard

Richard Bland

Theodorick Bland

Timothy Bloodworth

William Blount

Simon Boerum

The Boston Massacre

The Boston Port Bill

Elias Boudinot

James Bowdoin

Carter Braxton

John Brown

Nathan Brownson

John Bull

Archibald Stobo Bulloch

Thomas Burke

Dr. William Burnet

Robert Burton

Pierce Butler


Lambert Cadwalader

Canada and Canadian Relations

Capitals of the Continental Congress

William Carmichael

Carpenters’ Hall

Edward Carrington

Charles Carroll “Barrister”

Charles Frémont Carroll III “of Carrollton”

Daniel Carroll

Richard Caswell

Jeremiah Townley Chase

Samuel Chase

Abraham Clark

Matthew Clarkson

Joseph Clay

William Clingan

George Clinton

George Clymer

The Coercive Acts

John Collins

The Committee of Five

The Committee of Fifty

The Committee of Fifty-One

The Committee of Safety/Council of Safety

The Committee of Secret Correspondence

Committees of Correspondence

Committee of Foreign Affairs

The Conciliatory Resolution of 1775

Silas Condict

Benjamin Contee

The Continental Association

Joseph Platt Cooke

John Cooper

Ezekiel Cornell

Tench Coxe

Stephen Crane

William Cumming

Thomas Cushing


Francis Dana

Nathan Dane

Second Lord Dartmouth, William Legge

John Dawson

Elias Dayton

Jonathan Dayton

Silas Deane

The Declaration of Independence

John De Hart

Charles DeWitt

Samuel Dick

John Dickinson

The “Dickinson Draft” of the Articles of Confederation

Philemon Dickinson

Diplomacy of, and by, the Continental Congress

William Henry Drayton

James Duane

Reverend Jacob Duché

William Duer

Reverend George Duffield

John Dunlap

Eliphalet Dyer


Pierpont Edwards

Samuel Elbert

William Ellery

Oliver Ellsworth

Jonathan Elmer

Espionage Tactics by the Continental Congress

The Essex Principles, also known as The Essex Result

Nicholas Eveleigh


The Fairfax County Resolves

John Fell

William Few, Jr.

The Henry Fite House

William Fitzhugh

Thomas Fitzsimons

William Fleming

William Floyd

Nathaniel Folsom

James Forbes

The Department of Foreign Affairs

Uriah Forrest

Abiel Foster

Relations with France

Benjamin Franklin

The “Franklin Draft” of the Articles of Confederation

Fraunces Tavern

Frederick Frelinghuysen

The French Arms Tavern

George Frost


Christopher Gadsden

Joseph Galloway

Leonard Gansevoort

John Gardner

Joseph Gardner

David Gelston

George William Frederick, King George III of Great Britain and Ireland

George Germain, 1st Viscount Sackville

Elbridge Gerry

John Lewis Gervais

William Gibbons

John Taylor Gilman

Nicholas Gilman

Robert Goldsborough

Mary Katherine Goddard

Nathaniel Gorham

William Grayson

Great Seal of the United States

Cyrus Griffin

Second Earl of Guilford

James Gunn

Button Gwinnett


John Habersham

Joseph Habersham

John Hall

Lyman Hall

Alexander Hamilton

John Hancock

Edward Hand

John Hanson

Samuel Hardy

John Haring

Cornelius Harnett

Benjamin Harrison

William Harrison, Jr.

John Hart

The Hartford Convention

John Harvie

Benjamin Hawkins

Jonathan J. Hazard

William Hemsley

James Henry

John Henry, Jr.

Patrick Henry

William Henry

Joseph Hewes

Thomas Heyward, Jr.

Stephen Higginson

Whitmell Hill

Michael Hillegas, Jr.

James Hillhouse

William Hillhouse

William Hindman

Samuel Holten

William Hooper

Esek Hopkins

Stephen Hopkins

Francis Hopkinson

Josiah Hornblower

Titus Hosmer

Hospital Department of the US Continental Army

William Churchill Houston

John Houstoun

William Houstoun

John Eager Howard

David Howell

Richard Howly [Howley]

Daniel Huger

Charles Humphreys

Benjamin Huntington

Samuel Huntington

Richard Hutson


Independence Hall

Jared Ingersoll

The Intolerable Acts

William Irvine

Ralph Izard


David Jackson

Jonathan Jackson

John Jay

Thomas Jefferson

Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer

Thomas Johnson

William Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnston

Allen Jones

Joseph Jones, Sr.

Noble Wimberly [Wymberley] Jones

Samuel Jones

Willie Jones


John Kean

Dyre Kearney

Rufus King

Francis Kinloch

James Kinsey


Lancaster Court House

John Langdon

Woodbury Langdon

Edward Langworthy

John Ten Eyck Lansing, Jr.

John Laurance

Henry Laurens

Richard Law

Arthur Lee

Francis Lightfoot Lee

Henry Lee

Richard Henry Lee

Thomas Sim Lee

William Lee

William Legge, Second Earl of Dartmouth

Daniel Leonard

Francis Lewis

Lexington and Concord

Ezra L’Hommedieu

The Library of the Continental Congress

Samuel Livermore

Philip Livingston

Robert R. Livingston

Walter Livingston

William Livingston

Edward Lloyd

Pierse Long

James Lovell

Isaac Low

John Lowell


The Lundin Letter

Thomas Lynch

Thomas Lynch, Jr.


James Madison

James Manning

Henry Marchant

The Massachusetts Convention

Massachusettensis vs. Novanglus

John Mathews

Timothy Matlack

Eleazer McComb

Alexander McDougall

James McHenry

Lachlan McIntosh

Thomas McKean

James McLene

The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence

James Mercer

John Francis Mercer

Samuel Meredith

Arthur Middleton

Henry Middleton

Thomas Mifflin

Nathan Miller

Nathaniel Mitchell

Stephen Mix Mitchell

The Model Treaty

James Monroe

John Montgomery

Reverend Joseph Montgomery

William Montgomery

Cadwalader Morris

Gouverneur Morris

Lewis Morris

Robert Morris

John Morton

Isaac Motte

Daniel Mowry, Jr.

Frederick Augustus Conrad Muhlenberg


Abner Nash

Nassau Hall, Princeton, New Jersey

Native Americans and Their Relations with the Continental Congress

Thomas Nelson, Jr.

New York City, City Hall

The Nicola Affair

The Nonexportation Agreement of 1774

The Nonimportation Agreement of 1774

Frederick North, Lord North, Second Earl of Guilford

The Northwest Ordinance


The Olive Branch Petition

Henry Osborne

Samuel Osgood

Samuel Allyne Otis


William Paca

Mann Page

Ephraim Paine

Robert Treat Paine

Thomas Paine

The Treaty of Paris

John Parker

George Partridge

William Paterson

John Patten

Dr. Nathaniel Peabody

William Peery

Philip Pell, Jr.

Edmund Pendleton

Nathaniel Pendleton

John Penn

Pennsylvania State House

Richard Peters, Sr.

Charles Pettit

Philadelphia State House

William Leigh Pierce, Jr.

Charles Pinckney

George Plater

Zephaniah Platt

Richard Potts

The Post Office Department

The Powder Alarm

Presidents of the Continental Congress

Princeton, New Jersey

The Prohibitory Act


The Quebec Act


David Ramsay

Edmund Jenings Randolph

Peyton Randolph

George Read

Jacob Read

Joseph Reed

James Randolph Reid

Religion and the Continental Congress

Samuel Rhoads

Richard Ridgely

Daniel Roberdeau

Caesar Rodney

Thomas Rodney

John Rogers

Jesse Root

David Ross, Jr.

George Ross

Benjamin Rumsey

Benjamin Rush

Edward Rutledge

John Rutledge


James Schureman

Philip John Schuyler

Gustavus Scott

John Morin Scott

Dr. Nathaniel Scudder

James Searle

Secrecy in the Continental Congress

The Secret Journal of the Continental Congress

Theodore Sedgwick

Joshua Seney

Jonathan Dickinson Sergeant

William Sharpe

Shays’ Rebellion

Roger Sherman

Dr. William Shippen

John Sitgreaves

Slavery and the Continental Congress

James Smith

Jonathan Bayard Smith

Melancton Smith

Meriwether Smith

Richard Smith

Thomas Smith

William Smith

The Solemn League and Covenant

Richard Dobbs Spaight

Joseph Spencer

The Stamp Act Congress

The Stars and Stripes

The State House, Philadelphia

Arthur St. Clair

The Staten Island Conference

John Stevens

Charles Stewart

Richard Stockton

Thomas Stone

Jonathan Sturges

James Sullivan

John Sullivan

John Swann

James Sykes

John Cleves Symmes


George Taylor

Edward Telfair

Thanksgiving, Resolution by the Continental Congress

George Thatcher/Thacher

Charles Thomson

Dr. Matthew Thornton

Matthew Tilghman

Dr. James Tilton

Paul Trapier

John Treadwell

The Treaty of Paris

Treaty of Alliance with France

Trenton, New Jersey

Joseph Trumbull

Dr. Thomas Tudor Tucker


Nicholas Van Dyke

James Mitchell Varnum

John Vining


James Wadsworth

Jeremiah Wadsworth

John Walker

George Walton

John Walton

Artemas Ward

Samuel Ward

George Washington

John Wentworth, Jr.

Samuel Wharton

William Whipple

Dr. James White

Phillips White

Right Reverend William White

John Williams, V

William Williams

Hugh Williamson

Thomas Willing

James Wilson

Paine Wingate

Henry Wisner

John Witherspoon

Oliver Wolcott

Joseph Wood

Turbutt Wright

Henry Wynkoop

George Wythe


Abraham Yates

Peter Waldron Yates

York, Pennsylvania, Courthouse


John Joachim Zubly

Historical Timeline

Primary Documents

