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Critical Insights: Social Justice and American Literature

Table of Contents

About This Volume, Robert C. Hauhart & Jeff Birkenstein

On Social Justice in American Literature, Robert C. Hauhart & Jeff Birkenstein

Identities without Borders: June Jordan, Audre Lorde, Alice Walker, and the Legacy of Post-Civil Rights Black Feminism, David M. Jones

Stories of Place: Appalachian Literature as Locus of Environmental and Social Justice, Katherine E. Ledford

Embattled Terrains: The Body as the Site of Social (In)justice in American Literature, Ann M. Ciasullo

Chester Himes’s Dilemma, Kimberly Drake

“This Is the Way That I Am”: Early Indigenous American Women’s Literature, Tabitha A. Morgan

Port of Entry: Hidden Correspondence by Frederick Douglass to Anna Murray (Douglass), Katherine Cottle

Social Justice and Nineteenth-Century Realism: William Dean Howells’s A Hazard of New Fortunes, Todd Barosky

From Fugitive Slave to Harlem Housewife: The “Tragic Mulatto” in American Literature, Cynthia Cravens

Privilege on the Prairie: Western Expansion in the Writings of Laura Ingalls Wilder and Louise Erdrich, Mária I. Cipriani

“It Gets Better”: A Short History of Feminism, Body Policing, and Women’s Suicide, Erin Mavis Guydish

Liberation from Family, Class, Race, Culture, and Tribe in Early Philip Roth, Robert C. Hauhart & Alyssa M. Slate

The Social Justice-Legal Justice Cleavage in Modern American Literature, Almas Khan

Developing Morality by Exploring Social Justice in the Works of Walter Dean Myers, Sarah Minslow

Grand Narratives of Social Justice in Chang-Rae Lee’s Native Speaker and Colson Whitehead’s The Intuitionist, Peter Sloane

Margaret Atwood and Women’s Dystopic Fiction, Jeff Birkenstein & Ericka Manthey

Additional Works


About the Editors
