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American Book of Days

Table of Contents


A Note on Movable Feasts


January 1

New Year's Day

The Emancipation Proclamation

First National Flag

Barry Goldwater's Birthday

J. Edgar Hoover's Birthday

College Football Bowl Games

Tournament of Roses

Paul Revere's Birthday

January 2

Georgia Ratifies the Constitution

Speed Limit of 55 Miles an Hour Is Imposed

Senator John F. Kennedy Announces His Candidacy for the 1960 Democratic Presidential Nomination

January 3

Alaska Admitted to the Union

Battle of Princeton

Lucretia C. Mott's Birthday

Congress Meets

Joseph Rauh's Birthday

January 4

Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Utah Admitted to the Union

Don Shula's Birthday

January 5

Twelfth Night, or Epiphany Eve

Feast of St. John Neumann, the First American Male Saint

Henry Ford Institutes the $5.00 a Day Minimum Wage

Walter Mondale's Birthday

Stephen Decatur's Birthday

January 6

Sam Rayburn's Birthday

Carl Sandburg's Birthday

The Feast of the Epiphany

New Mexico Admitted to the Union

The “Four Freedoms” Enunciated

Charles Sumner's Birthday

John DeLorean's Birthday

January 7

Millard Fillmore's Birthday

Panama Canal Traversed

Russian Orthodox Christmas

First Transatlantic Telephone Service

First Commercial Bank Established in the United States

January 8

Eleventh Amendment Declared Ratified

Battle of New Orleans

Elvis Presley's Birthday

AT&T Agrees to Split Up Its Telephone Monopoly

No Child Left Behind Act Signed Into Law

January 9

First Successful Balloon Flight in the United States

Connecticut Ratifies the Constitution

Richard M. Nixon's Birthday

Joan Baez's Birthday

Carrie Catt's Birthday

George Balanchine's Birthday

January 10

League of Nations Established

Publication of Common Sense by Thomas Paine

The United States Establishes Diplomatic Relations with the Vatican

January 11

Alexander Hamilton's Birthday

Surgeon General Issues First Report on the Dangers of Smoking

Alice Paul's Birthday

First Detainees Taken to Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp

January 12

John Hancock's Birthday

John Winthrop's Birthday

Jeff Bezos's Birthday

January 13

Salmon P. Chase's Birthday

Horatio Alger's Birthday

Stephen Foster Memorial Day

January 14

Benedict Arnold's Birthday

Ratification of the Treaty of Paris

January 15

Edward Teller's Birthday

Vermont Declares Independence from the British

January 16

Operation Desert Storm Begins

Eighteenth Amendment Ratified

January 17

Benjamin Franklin's Birthday

Feast of St. Anthony the Great

Michelle Obama's Birthday

Muhammad Ali's Birthday

January 18

Daniel Webster's Birthday

January 19

Robert E. Lee's Birthday

Edgar Allan Poe's Birthday

Isaiah Thomas's Birthday

January 20

Martin Luther King Day

Inauguration Day

Leon Ames's Birthday

January 21

Stonewall Jackson's Birthday

John Breckinridge's Birthday

Wolfman Jack's Birthday

Feast of St. Agnes

Jack Nicklaus's Birthday

January 22

The Supreme Court Holds That Abortion Is a Constitutional Right

Frederick Moore Vinson's Birthday

Kmart Corp. Becomes Largest Retailer in U.S. History to File for Bankruptcy

January 23

Twenty-Fourth Amendment Ratified

Elizabeth Blackwell, First Woman in the United States to Receive a Medical Degree

Kenneth L. Lay Resigns From Enron During Accounting Scandal

U.S. Forces Overturns 1994 Ban on Women Serving in Combat

January 24

California Gold Rush

Edith Wharton's Birthday

January 25

Robert Burns's Birthday

Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul

Florence Mills's Birthday

January 26

Douglas MacArthur's Birthday

Michigan Admitted to the Union

Angela Davis's Birthday

Paul Newman's Birthday

Condolezza Rice is Sworn in as First Female, African American Secretary of State

January 27

Samuel Gompers's Birthday

Hyman G. Rickover's Birthday

January 28

Space Shuttle Challenger Explodes

The United States Withdraws from Cuba

January 29

Kansas Admitted to the Union

William McKinley's Birthday

Thomas Paine's Birthday

Clinton Administration Announces New Policy Concerning Gays in the Military

Oprah Winfrey's Birthday

President George W. Bush's First State of the Union Address to Fight the “Evil Axis”

January 30

Franklin D. Roosevelt's Birthday

Gene Hackman's Birthday

January 31

Jackie Robinson's Birthday

Norman Mailer's Birthday

James G. Blaine's Birthday


February 1

John Ford's Birthday

Clark Gable's Birthday

Victor Herbert's Birthday

American Lutheran Church Merger Completed

Columbia Spacecraft Disaster

“Battle Hymn of the Republic”

February 2

Groundhog Day

Dartmouth College Case Decided

Candlemas, or The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Wystan Hugh Auden's Birthday

Bell South Leaves the Payphone Business Because of Competition From Cell Phones

February 3

Illinois Becomes a Territory

Gertrude Stein's Birthday

Buddy Holly Killed in Plane Crash

February 4

Betty Friedan's Birthday

Impeachment Trial of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase Begins

Mark Hopkins's Birthday

February 5

Roger Williams Arrives in America

Adlai Stevenson's Birthday

Dwight L. Moody's Birthday

Charro Days Fiesta

February 6

Ronald Reagan's Birthday

Aaron Burr's Birthday

Massachusetts Ratifies the Constitution

France Recognizes the United States

Twentieth Amendment Ratified

Chinese New Year

February 7

John Deere's Birthday

The Beatles Arrive in the United States

The Baltimore Fire

February 8

James Dean's Birthday

Boy Scouts of America Founded

February 9

William Henry Harrison's Birthday

Gasparilla Festival

February 10

Mardi Gras, or Shrove Tuesday

Twenty-fifth Amendment Ratified

First Medal of Honor in World War II

Treaty of Paris Becomes Effective

February 11

Ash Wednesday

Thomas Alva Edison's Birthday

Melville W. Fuller's Birthday

Nelson Mandela Released After Years of U.S. Pressure

February 12

Abraham Lincoln's Birthday

Senate Acts to Preserve Political Balance

Founding of the Georgia Colony

February 13

International Slave Trade Outlawed

Anchorage Fur Rendezvous

First Fugitive Slave Law

First American Magazine

February 14

St. Valentine's Day

Frederick Douglass's Birthday

Arizona Admitted to the Union

Oregon Admitted to the Union

February 15

Susan B. Anthony's Birthday

Battleship Maine Memorial Day

Cyrus McCormick's Birthday

Russell H. Conwell's Birthday

Elihu Root's Birthday

February 16

Cushing Eells's Birthday

Kyoto Treaty Enters Into Force

February 17

Thomas J. Watson, Sr.'s Birthday

Presidents' Day

Michael Jordan's Birthday

February 18

Helen Gurley Brown's Birthday

Jefferson Davis Inaugurated

February 19

Franklin D. Roosevelt Orders Japanese American Internment

Supreme Court Declares Initiatives and Referendums Valid

February 20

John Glenn Orbits the Earth

Joseph Jefferson's Birthday

February 21

President Nixon Goes to China

Washington Monument Dedicated

February 22

George Washington's Birthday

James Russell Lowell's Birthday

Adams-Onis Florida Purchase Treaty Signed

February 23

The Lend-Lease Agreement

Emma Willard's Birthday

The Battle of Buena Vista

February 24

Supreme Court Decides Marbury v. Madison, Establishing the Doctrine of Judicial Review

Chester Nimitz's Birthday

Arizona Territory Established

February 25

Sixteenth Amendment Ratified

National Bank Act

February 26

Grand Canyon National Park Established

Buffalo Bill's Birthday

February 27

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's Birthday

Twenty-second Amendment Ratified

State Department Blames Vietnam War on Communist Aggression

February 28

Explosion of the “Peacemaker”

Linus Pauling's Birthday

R. J. Reynolds Abandons “Smokeless” Cigarette Project

February 29

Leap Year

Ann Lee's Birthday


March 1

Nebraska Admitted to the Union

Ohio Admitted to the Union

St. David's Day

Texas Annexed by the United States

March 2

Texas Independence Day

Sam Houston's Birthday

Pioneer 10 Launched; First Probe to Leave the Solar System

March 3

Free Speech Is Limited by “Clear and Present Danger”

Alexander Graham Bell's Birthday

Florida Admitted to the Union

March 4

Vermont Admitted to the Union

Casimir Pulaski's Birthday

First Meeting of the First Congress

March 5

The Boston Massacre

Winston Churchill Makes His “Iron Curtain” Speech in the US

March 6

The Fall of the Alamo

Marion Barry's Birthday

President Obama Announces Sanctions Against Russia Over Ukraine

March 7

Salvador Dali Museum Opens in St. Petersburg, Florida

Luther Burbank's Birthday

March 8

Simon Cameron's Birthday

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.'s Birthday

Battle of Pea Ridge

March 9

Supreme Court Expands Freedom of the Press

Edwin Forrest's Birthday

March 10

Death of Harriet Tubman

Albany Becomes the Capital of New York

March 11

Worldwide Influenza Epidemic Strikes the United States

The Blizzard of 1888

Internet Bubble Bursts

March 12

Girl Scouts Founded

President Truman Announces the “Truman Doctrine”

Mitt Romney's Birthday

March 13

L. Ron Hubbard's Birthday

Discovery of Pluto Announced

March 14

Albert Einstein's Birthday

Eli Whitney Patents the Cotton Gin

Union Forces take New Berne, North Carolina

March 15

Andrew Jackson's Birthday

Maine Admitted to the Union

Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Birthday

March 16

James Madison's Birthday

United States Military Academy Founded

My Lai Massacre

March 17

St. Patrick's Day

British Troops Evacuate Boston

Roger Brooke Taney's Birthday

US Government Intervenesin Economy to Halt Financial Crisis

March 18

John C. Calhoun's Birthday

Grover Cleveland's Birthday

The Supreme Court Expands the Right to Counsel

March 19

William Jennings Bryan's Birthday

Earl Warren's Birthday

Bruce Willis's Birthday

US and Britain Launch War on Iraq

March 20

Burrhus F. Skinner's Birthday

Neal Dow's Birthday

March 21

Spring Begins

Earth Day

March 22

The First Native American Treaty

Palm Sunday

Purim (Feast of Lots)

Stamp Act Signed

March 23

Wernher Von Braun's Birthday

Patrick Henry's Speech for Liberty

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Signed Into Law

March 24

NATO Intervenes in Kosovo

John Wesley Powell's Birthday

Peyton Manning's Birthday

March 25

Gloria Steinem's Birthday

Greek Independence Day

First Colonists Arrive in Maryland

The Feast of the Annunciation

March 26

Robert Frost's Birthday

Sandra Day O'Connor's Birthday

Holy or Maundy Thursday

Prince Kuhio Day in Hawaii

March 27

1964 Alaska Earthquake

Good Friday

March 28

Nuclear Accident at Three Mile Island

Holy Saturday

March 29


John Tyler's Birthday

First Colonists In Delaware

Twenty-third Amendment Ratified

March 30

Easter Monday

Seward's Day in Alaska

Fifteenth Amendment Ratified

March 31

Virgin Islands Transfer Day

Al Gore's Birthday


April 1

April Fools' Day

First Speaker of the House is Chosen

April 2

United States Mint Established

President Wilson Urges Congress to Approve the U.S. Entry into World War I

April 3

Washington Irving's Birthday

The XYZ Affair

April 4

Martin Luther King, Jr., Assassinated

Puyallup Valley Daffodil Festival

Flag Act of 1818

Maya Angelou's Birthday

April 5

Booker T. Washington's Birthday

Elihu Yale's Birthday

First Presidential Veto Cast

Bette Davis's Birthday

April 6

The United States Enters World War I

Mormon Church Formally Organized

North Pole Discovered

April 7

National Cherry Blossom Festival

The Alabama Claims

April 8

Ponce de León Claims Florida for Spain

John Randolph and Henry Clay Fight a Duel

Death of Kurt Cobain

April 9

Hugh Hefner's Birthday

Lee Surrenders at Appomattox

La Salle Reaches the Mouth of the Mississippi River

April 10

Salvation Army Founder's Day

April 11

Charles Evans Hughes's Birthday

Congress Proclaims Cessation of American Revolution Hostilities

Civil Rights Act of 1968

April 12

The Civil War Begins

Henry Clay's Birthday

Halifax Independence Day

ABT-450, a New Regimen for Treating Hepatitis C Virus

April 13

Thomas Jefferson's Birthday

Jefferson Memorial Dedicated

Fifth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Working Group III, Report Released

April 14

Abraham Lincoln Assassinated

Pan American Day

April 15

Federal Income Tax Deadline

Thomas H. Gallaudet Starts the First School for the Deaf

Bombs Explode at the Boston Marathon

April 16

Washington Departs for His Inauguration

Virginia Tech Massacre with 33 Fatalities Renews Gun Control Debate

April 17

J. P. Morgan's Birthday

The Bay of Pigs Invasion

April 18

Clarence Darrow's Birthday

The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fires

World War II: Lieutenant Colonel James “Jimmy” Doolittle's Bombing Raid on Japan

April 19

Battles of Lexington and Concord (“Patriots' Day”)

Attack on the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas

Bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City

General Douglas MacArthur's “Old Soldiers Never Die” Address

April 20

Death of Pontiac, Ottawa Chieftain

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

The Hague Peace Palace

April 21

Passover (Pesach)

Texas Wins Independence From Mexico

Spanish-American War Begins

John Muir's Birthday

April 22

President George Washington Issues Neutrality Proclamation

Oklahoma Land Rush Begins

Arbor Day

Earth Day

April 23

James Buchanan's Birthday

St. George's Day

William Shakespeare's Birthday

United Methodist Church Formed

Opposition to the Vietnam War Intensifies

April 24

Library of Congress Created

Hubble Space Telescope Deployed

April 25

Edward R. Murrow's Birthday

Feast of St. Mark

April 26

John James Audubon's Birthday

Confederate Memorial Day

Frederick Law Olmsted's Birthday

Cape Henry Day

April 27

Ulysses S. Grant's Birthday

“Fast Day” in New Hampshire

April 28

James Monroe's Birthday

Maryland Ratifies the Constitution

Washington State Apple Blossom Festival

Abu Ghraib Prison Abuse Is Revealed

Elena Kagan's Birthday

April 29

Oliver Ellsworth's Birthday

Andre Agassi's Birthday

April 30

Fall of Saigon

Louisiana Admitted to the Union

Congress Establishes the United States Navy

Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival

Walpurgis Night or Spring Festival


May 1

May Day

Labor Observances

Spanish-American War: Battle of Manila Bay

Loyalty Day

Law Day

Lei Day in Hawaii

Death of Osama bin Laden

May 2

Kentucky Derby

May 3

First Medical School in the United States

Rural Life Sunday (also known as Soil Stewardship Sunday)

May 4

Horace Mann's Birthday

Rhode Island Independence Day

Last Major German Contingents Surrender

May 5

Battle of the Wilderness

Cinco de Mayo

May 6

The Hindenburg Disaster at Lakehurst, New Jersey

Congress Passes First Legislation

Civil Rights Act of 1960

George Clooney's Birthday

May 7

Twenty-Seventh Amendment Ratified

Sinking of the Lusitania

Ascension Day

May 8

Victory in Europe (V-E) Day

Harry S. Truman's Birthday

May 9

John Brown's Birthday

May 10

Mother's Day

The First Transcontinental Railroad

The Methodist Church Merger Becomes Effective

Fort Ticonderoga Falls

May 11

Minnesota Admitted to the Union

Colonies of Connecticut and New Haven Unite

May 12

Florence Nightingale's Birthday

May 13

Jamestown Colony Founded

Mexican War Begins

Tulip Time Festival

May 14

United States Recognizes Israel

Antioch College Chartered

Congress Attempts to Protect Native American Territories

Lewis and Clark Depart on Their Expedition

George Lucas's Birthday

Mark Zuckerberg's Birthday

May 15

Destruction of the Warsaw Jewish Ghetto

Continental Congress Resolves to Put Colonies in State of Defense

Human Stem Cells Are Succesfully Cloned

May 16

Official Apology Issued for Tuskegee Experiments

Armed Forces Day

May 17

Supreme Court Orders School Desegregation


Norwegian Constitution Day

May 18

The Supreme Court Approves Segregation

Rhode Island Colony Acts to Prohibit Perpetual Slavery

May 19

Malcolm X's Birthday

William Bradford's Death

The New England Colonies Form the New England Confederation

May 20

Dolley Madison's Birthday

Mecklenburg Independence Day

May 21

Lindbergh Lands in Paris

May 22

National Maritime Day

President Lyndon Johnson Promotes the “Great Society”

May 23

South Carolina Ratifies the Constitution

Captain Kidd Hanged

May 24

Bob Dylan's Birthday

Samuel F. B. Morse Opens the First U.S. Telegraph Line

Russia and the United States Sign the Moscow Treaty

May 25

Ralph Waldo Emerson's Birthday

Indianapolis 500

Constitutional Convention Opens

May 26

Montana Becomes a Territory

May 27

Cornelius Vanderbilt's Birthday

Rachel Carson's Birthday

Hubert Humphrey's Birthday

Feast of St. Augustine of Canterbury

May 28

Louis Agassiz's Birthday

United Presbyterian Church Formed

May 29

John F. Kennedy's Birthday

Wisconsin Admitted to the Union

Rhode Island Ratifies the Constitution

Patrick Henry's Birthday

May 30

Memorial Day

May 31

Seventeenth Amendment Proclaimed Ratified

Walt Whitman's Birthday

Hillary Rodham Clinton's Graduation Address from Wellesley College


June 1

Kentucky Admitted to the Union

Tennessee Admitted to the Union

Jacques Marquette's Birthday

Morgan Freeman's Birthday

June 2

John Randolph's Birthday

June 3

Jefferson Davis's Birthday

June 4

Jack Jouett's Ride

Angelina Jolie's Birthday

Churchill Addresses the British after Dunkirk

June 5

Gold Clause Repealed

Portland Rose Festival

June 6


Confederate Memorial Day in Winchester, Virginia

YMCA Founded

June 7

Daniel Boone Reaches Kentucky

Liberty Bell Hung in Independence Hall

June 8

Frank Lloyd Wright's Birthday

Tim Berners-Lee's Birthday

June 9

Siege of Petersburg, Virginia

June 10

Founding of Alcoholics Anonymous

Shavuot (Jewish Feast of Weeks)

June 11

President Kennedy Addresses the Nation on Civil Rights

King Kamehameha Day in Hawaii

June 12

George H. W. Bush's Birthday

Philippine Independence Day

June 13

Supreme Court Expands Right Against Self-Incrimination in Miranda v. Arizona

Feast of St. Anthony of Padua

June 14

Flag Day

Harriet Beecher Stowe's Birthday

The Continental Congress Establishes the Continental Army

June 15

Arkansas Admitted to the Union

Oregon Treaty Ratified

June 16

Phil Mickelson's Birthday

Franklin D. Roosevelt's Hundred Days

June 17

Newt Gingrich's Birthday

Battle of Bunker Hill

The Supreme Court Expands Fair Housing Rights

June 18

Susan B. Anthony Fined for Voting

War of 1812 Begins

June 19

French and Indian War: The Albany Congress Convenes

June 20

West Virginia Admitted to the Union

First Thanksgiving Day Proclamation

June 21

Summer Begins

The Constitution Ratified

New Hampshire Ratifies the Constitution

Father's Day

June 22

HMS Leopard Fires on the USS Chesapeake

June 23

Midsummer Eve

Unto These Hills Cherokee Historical Drama

June 24

Midsummer Day

Henry Ward Beecher's Birthday

Berlin Airlift of 1948 Begins

Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

June 25

Custer's Last Stand

Korean War Begins

Virginia Ratifies the Constitution

United Church of Christ Formed

Michael Jackson's Death

Sonya Sotomayor's Birthday

June 26

President Kennedy Speaks in West Berlin

Supreme Court Declares the Defense of Marriage Act Unconstitutional

American Troops Land in France

June 27

H. Ross Perot's Birthday

Helen Keller's Birthday

Pennsylvania Dutch Folk Festival

National “Do Not Call” Registry Enrolls 750,000 On Its First Day

June 28

Archduke Francis Ferdinand Assassinated

Treaty of Versailles Signed

Lutheran Church in America Organized

Elon Musk's Birthday

June 29

Atlantis-Mir Docking

Official Report on the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombings Issued

Feast of Saints Peter and Paul

June 30

The “Pentagon Papers” Case is Decided

Twenty-sixth Amendment Ratified


July 1

Battle of Gettysburg Begins

The Bretton Woods Conference Begins

July 2

Thurgood Marshall's Birthday

President James A. Garfield Shot

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Hussey's Reaper First Exhibited

July 3

Idaho Admitted to the Union

Death of Jim Morrison

John Singleton Copley's Birthday

July 4

Independence Day

Calvin Coolidge's Birthday

Nathaniel Hawthorne's Birthday

July 5

Admiral Farragut's Birthday

P. T. Barnum's Birthday

July 6

John Paul Jones's Birthday

Republican Party Founded

George W. Bush's Birthday

July 7

California Proclaimed Part of the United States

Group of 8 Sets Goal to Reduce Greenhouse Emissions by Half by 2050

July 8

John D. Rockefeller Sr.'s Birthday

American Revolution: Olive Branch Petition

Atlantis Launched in Last Space Shuttle Flight

July 9

French and Indian War: Braddock's Defeat at the Battle of the Monongahela

O.J. Simpson's Birthday

Tom Hanks's Birthday

July 10

Scopes “Monkey Trial” Begins

Allied Troops Land in Sicily

James Abbott McNeill Whistler's Birthday

Wyoming Admitted to the Union

July 11

John Quincy Adams's Birthday

The Chester Gillette Murder

July 12

George Washington Carver's Birthday

Henry David Thoreau's Birthday

July 13

Northwest Ordinance Enacted

Patrick Stewart's Birthday

July 14

Gerald R. Ford's Birthday

July 15

Birthday of the First American Saint, Mother Frances Cabrini

First United States-Soviet Joint Space Mission

July 16

Birthday of Mary Baker Eddy, Founder of the Christian Science Church

The Starting Date of the Islamic Calendar

July 17

John Jacob Astor's Birthday

Florida Ceded to the United States

Columbia University Opens

July 18

John Rutledge's Death

The Presidential Succession Act of 1947

Detroit Files for Bankruptcy, the Largest Municipal Bankruptcy Filing in U.S. History

July 19

First Women's Rights Convention: Seneca Falls, New York

George McGovern's Birthday

Worldcom Files for Bankruptcy

July 20

First Manned Landing on the Moon

The American Space Program Since the First Moon Landing

July 21

Ernest Hemingway's Birthday

July 22

Robert Dole's Birthday

July 23

James Cardinal Gibbons's Birthday

July 24

Mormon Pioneer Day in Utah

Pioneer Day in other Western States

July 25

Puerto Rican Constitution Day

Thomas Eakins's Birthday

July 26

New York Ratifies the Constitution

Sandra Bullock's Birthday

July 27

First Permanent Transatlantic Cable Completed

July 28

Fourteenth Amendment Proclaimed Ratified

“Bonus Army” Evicted From Washington, D.C.

July 29

Pony Penning on Chincoteague Island

Alexis de Tocqueville's Birthday

Elizabeth Dole's Birthday

July 30

Henry Ford's Birthday

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Birthday

July 31

Milton Friedman's Birthday

J. K. Rowling's Birthday


August 1

Colorado Admitted to the Union

Herman Melville's Birthday

Francis Scott Key's Birthday

John Alden Day

August 2

James Baldwin's Birthday

August 3

Columbus Departs For The New World

The USS Nautilus Cruises Under The North Pole

Martha Stewart's Birthday

August 4

John Peter Zenger Acquitted

President Barack Obama's Birthday

August 5

John Eliot Baptized

Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Signed

August 6

United States Uses Atomic Bombs Against Japan

Voting Rights Act of 1965

First Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life Announced

August 7

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Approved

George Washington Issues Whiskey Rebellion Proclamation

August 8

Charles A. Dana's Birthday

The Wilmot Proviso of 1846

WHO Categorizes West African Ebola Outbreak as International Concern

August 9

Free-Soil Party Organized

Webster-Ashburton Treaty Signed

August 10

Herbert Hoover's Birthday

Missouri Admitted to the Union

August 11

Alex Haley's Birthday

Tishah B'Av

August 12

Hawaii Annexed to the United States

Cecil B. DeMille's Birthday

Whitey Bulger found Guilty on 31 of 32 Counts, was Involved in 11 Murders

August 13

Lucy Stone's Birthday

Annie Oakley's Birthday

Janet Yellen's Birthday

August 14

Victory over Japan (V-J) Day

The Atlantic Charter

August 15

Woodstock Begins

August 16

American Revolution: Battle of Bennington

Madonna's Birthday

August 17

Davy Crockett's Birthday

Fulton's Steamboat Sails

Marcus Garvey's Birthday

August 18

First United States Government Maritime Expedition Sets Sail

Marshall Field's Birthday

Timothy Geithner's Birthday

August 19

William Jefferson Clinton's Birthday

The USS Constitution Engages the British

National Aviation Day

Operation Iraqi Freedom Ends

August 20

Benjamin Harrison's Birthday

First Viking Probe Is Launched Towards Mars

August 21

Hawaii Admitted to the Union

American Bar Association Formed

August 22

First America's Cup Race

Mormon Tabernacle Choir Gives First Performance

August 23

Oliver Hazard Perry's Birthday

Great Britain Issues The Proclamation of Rebellion

August 24

The British Burn Washington, D.C.

Feast of St. Bartholomew

August 25

George C. Wallace's Birthday

August 26

Nineteenth Amendment Proclaimed Ratified

France Adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man

Women's Equality Day

August 27

Lyndon B. Johnson's Birthday

Kellogg-Briand Pact “To Outlaw War” Signed

August 28

Commercial Radio Broadcasting Begins

Feast of St. Augustine

August 29

Oliver Wendell Holmes's Birthday

The Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies of New England

Hurricane Katrina

John McCain's Birthday

August 30

Huey P. Long's Birthday

Gabriel Prosser's Slave Revolt

Warren Buffet's Birthday

August 31

James Coburn's Birthday

The Charleston Earthquake

President Barack Obama Announces the End of Operation Iraqi Freedom


September 1

World War II Begins

Walter Reuther's Birthday

Operation New Dawn Begins

September 2

Andrew Grove's Birthday

Japan Surrenders

September 3

Henry Hudson Enters New York Harbor

Britain and France Declare War on Germany

September 4

Founding of Los Angeles

The Santa Fe Fiesta

September 5

The First Continental Congress Convenes

September 6

President William McKinley Assassinated

Lafayette's Birthday

Jane Addams's Birthday

September 7

Labor Day

The Miss America Pageant

September 8

The Galveston Hurricane of 1900

Founding of St. Augustine, Florida, the Nation's Oldest City

First Broadcast of Star Trek

September 9

California Admitted to the Union

Civil Rights Act of 1957

September 10

John Smith Assumes Jamestown Council Presidency

Beginning of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

September 11

Battle of Brandywine

The Navajo Nation Fair

Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon

September 12

Battle of North Point, Maryland

Jesse Owens's Birthday

September 13

Death of John Barry

John J. Pershing's Birthday

Hurricane Ike Makes Landfall

September 14

American Forces Capture Mexico City

Margaret Sanger's Birthday

September 15

James Fenimore Cooper's Birthday

William Howard Taft's Birthday

Collapse of Lehman Brothers

September 16

Cherokee Land Rush in Oklahoma, 1893

September 17

Warren E. Burger's Birthday

American Revolution: Baron von Steuben's Birthday

Citizenship Day

September 18

Cornerstone of the Capitol Laid

The Air Force Becomes an Equal Branch of the Military

Lance Armstrong's Birthday

September 19

George Washington's Farewell Address

First Battle of Saratoga

September 20

Panic of 1873

Upton Sinclair's Birthday

U.S.'s Military's “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” Policy Ends

September 21

Autumn Begins

Delaware Organized as a State

September 22

Nathan Hale Hanged

Peace Corps Created

September 23

Lewis and Clark Expedition Completed

Victoria C. Woodhull's Birthday

September 24

John Marshall's Birthday

F. Scott Fitzgerald's Birthday

September 25

Balboa Discovers the Pacific Ocean

Twelfth Amendment Proclaimed Ratified

Oracle Team USA Defeats New Zealand, Winning America's Cup

September 26

John “Johnny Appleseed” Chapman's Birthday

George Gershwin's Birthday

September 27

Warren Commission Report Released

Samuel Adams's Birthday

September 28

Frances E. Willard's Birthday

Cabrillo Day in California

September 29

Tokyo Rose is Convicted of Treason

September 30

Feast of St. Jerome

Truman Capote's Birthday


October 1

Jimmy Carter's Birthday

William Rehnquist's Birthday

Rosh Hashanah

Treaty of San Ildefonso

October 2

Major John André Hanged as a Spy

First Pan American Conference Convenes

Sting's Birthday

October 3

George Bancroft's Birthday

Bank Bailout Bill Passed

October 4

Rutherford B. Hayes's Birthday

Soviets Launch Sputnik I

October 5

Chester A. Arthur's Birthday

Tecumseh's Death

Robert Goddard's Birthday

Steve Jobs's Death

October 6

British Capture the Forts Clinton and Montgomery

Beginning of the Stock Market Crash and Housing/Banking Crisis of 2008

October 7

James Whitcomb Riley's Birthday

Elijah Muhammad's Birthday

Second Battle of Saratoga

US and British Bombing Campaign Against Taliban Government and al Qaeda Terrorist Camps in Afghanistan Begins

October 8

John Clarke's Birthday

Jesse Jackson's Birthday

October 9

The Chicago Fire

Leif Erikson Day

October 10

Yom Kippur

Oklahoma Historical Day

October 11

Eleanor Roosevelt's Birthday

Harlan Fiske Stone's Birthday

October 12

Columbus Day

First Use of the Pledge of Allegiance

U.S.S. Cole Attacked in the Port of Aden, Yemen

October 13

White House Cornerstone Laid

Battle of Queenston Heights

October 14

Dwight David Eisenhower's Birthday

William Penn's Birthday

October 15


John Kenneth Galbraith's birthday

October 16

Noah Webster's Birthday

Million Man March

October 17

American Revolution: British Surrender at Saratoga

The Federalist Papers Are First Published

October 18

Anniversary of the Transfer of Alaska from Russia to the United States

Thomas B. Reed's birthday

Feast of St. Luke

October 19

The North American Martyrs

The Peggy Stewart Incident

British Surrender at Yorktown

October 20

General Douglas MacArthur returns to the Philippines

Convention of 1818 Signed

October 21

Electric Light Bulb Perfected

October 22

Cuban Missile Crisis

Birthday of Timothy Leary

October 23

Francis Hopkinson Smith's Birthday

Hungary Declares Independence

October 24

The United Nations Formally Comes into Existence

War Powers Resolution

President Barack Obama Declares Swine Flu a National Emergency

October 25

Richard E. Byrd's Birthday

October 26

Erie Canal Opens

Hillary Rodham Clinton's Birthday

Patriot Act Is Signed

October 27

Theodore Roosevelt's Birthday

October 28

Statue of Liberty Dedicated

Bill Gates's Birthday

Julia Roberts's Birthday

October 29

Stock Market Crash of 1929

The Stock Market in American History: Bull and Bear Market Cycles

Hurricane Sandy Makes Landfall

October 30

John Adams's Birthday

Moscow Conference

October 31


Admission of Nevada to the Union


November 1

All Saints Day

November 2

Warren G. Harding's Birthday

James K. Polk's Birthday

North Dakota Admitted to the Union

South Dakota Admitted to the Union

November 3

Edward Douglass White's Birthday

General Election Day

November 4

Will Rogers's Birthday

Robert Mapplethorpe's Birthday

Laura Bush's Birthday

November 5

John Dickinson Writes the First of the “Farmer's Letters”

Eugene Debs's Birthday

November 6

John Carroll Appointed First Roman Catholic Bishop in the United States

First College Football Game

November 7

Harvard Established

Battle of Tippecanoe

November 8

Founding of Mount Holyoke College, the First American College For Women

US Troops Land in North Africa

Montana Admitted to the Union

US Presidential Election Florida Recount

November 9

The Great Northeast Power Failure

November 10

American Revolution: First Marine Corps Units Formed

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

November 11

Veterans Day

Admission of Washington State to the Union

November 12

Elizabeth Cady Stanton's Birthday

The Washington Conference Begins

November 13

Edwin Booth's Birthday

Louis Brandeis's Birthday

November 14

Samuel Seabury Appointed First Protestant Bishop in the United States

The Apollo 12 Mission to the Moon is Launched

November 15

Articles of Confederation Adopted

Georgia O'Keeffe's Birthday

November 16

Oklahoma Admitted to the Union

November 17

Congress Finds a Permanent Home

Anne Hutchinson Banished From Colonial Massachusetts

November 18

Asa Gray's Birthday

End of the Monroe Doctrine

November 19

President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

James A. Garfield's Birthday

November 20

Robert F. Kennedy's Birthday

November 21

North Carolina Ratifies the Constitution

November 22

President John F. Kennedy Assassinated

November 23

Federalist Number Ten is Published

Franklin Pierce's Birthday

November 24

Zachary Taylor's Birthday

November 25

Andrew Carnegie's Birthday

Evacuation of the British Troops from New York

Creation of the Department of Homeland Security

November 26

Thanksgiving Day

Death of Sojourner Truth

November 27

Robert R. Livingston's Birthday

November 28

The Teheran Conference

November 29

Morrison Remick Waite's Birthday

Marcus Whitman's Death

Advent Begins

United Nations Approves International Coalition for Operation Desert Storm

November 30

Mark Twain's Birthday

Shirley Chisholm's Birthday


December 1

Presidential Elections of 1824 Deadlocked

The Tehran Conference

Montgomery Bus Boycott Starts

December 2

The Monroe Doctrine Promulgated

First Nuclear Chain Reaction Achieved

December 3

Gilbert Stuart's Birthday

Illinois Admitted to the Union

December 4

George Washington Takes Leave of his Officers

The American Anti-Slavery Society Is Organized

December 5

Twenty-First Amendment Proclaimed Ratified

Martin Van Buren's Birthday

December 6

The Everglades Become a National Park

Feast of St. Nicholas

December 7

Delaware ratifies the Constitution

The Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor

December 8

Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary

United States Enters World War II

December 9

American Revolution: Battle of Great Bridge, Virginia

Tip O'Neill's Birthday

December 10

Emily Dickinson's Birthday

Human Rights Day and Week

Mississippi Admitted to the Union

Wyoming Passes the First Law Giving Women the Right to Vote

Mary Barra of General Motors Becomes First Female CEO of a Major Automotive Company

December 11

Indiana Admitted to the Union

John Kerry's Birthday

December 12

John Jay's Birthday

Pennsylvania Ratifies the Constitution

North Korean Crisis Begins When New Satellite Is Launched

December 13

War: North Korea and South Korea Finally Execute a Peace Treaty

Ben Bernanke's Birthday

Saddam Hussein Captured by US Troops

December 14

Alabama Admitted to the Union

George Washington's Death

December 15

Ratification of the Bill of Rights

December 16

Boston Tea Party

The New Madrid, Missouri Earthquake

December 17

Wright Brothers' First Flight

John Greenleaf Whittier's Birthday

December 18

New Jersey Ratifies the Constitution

Lyman Abbott's Birthday

Thirteenth Amendment Proclaimed Ratified

Steven Spielberg's Birthday

December 19

American Revolution: George Washington Camps at Valley Forge

December 20

Louisiana Purchased

American Poet Laureate Established

December 21

Winter Begins

Forefathers' Day

December 22

James Oglethorpe's Birthday

December 23


Birthday of Joseph Smith Jr., Founder of the Mormon Faith

Federal Reserve System Established

December 24

Christmas Eve

Treaty of Ghent Signed

December 25


Clara Barton's Birthday

Gorbachev Resigns and the Soviet Union Dissolves

December 26

Battle of Trenton

Feast of St. Stephen

Kwanzaa Begins

December 27

The Soviet Union Installs a Puppet Government in Afghanistan

Feast of St. John

December 28

Iowa Admitted to the Union

Feast of the Holy Innocents (Childermas)

Denzel Washington's Birthday

December 29

Andrew Johnson's Birthday

Woodrow Wilson's Birthday

Massacre at Wounded Knee

Texas Admitted to the Union

December 30

The Gadsden Purchase

Tiger Woods's Birthday

December 31

New Year's Eve

George Marshall's Birthday

Beginning of Ramadan, the Islamic Month of Fasting

Appendix A: The Calendar

Appendix B: The Era

Appendix C: The Days of the Week

Appendix D: Signs of the Zodiac

Appendix E: United States Constitution

Appendix F: Declaration of Independence

Appendix G: Articles of Confederation

Appendix H: Mayflower Compact of 1620

Appendix I: Important Public Holidays and Events