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Critical Survey of Mythology and Folklore: Love, Sexuality, and Desire

Table of Contents

Black Bull of Norroway

Cupid and Psyche

The Fair Angiola

The Faithful Prince

Isis and the Search for Osiris

The King of Love

Orpheus and Eurydice

The Romance of Tristan and Iseult

Tấm and Cám

Aphrodite and Adonis

Apollo and the Thessalian Hyacinthus

Enlil and Ninlil

Frey’s Courtship of Gerd

Hades and Persephone

Ištar and Tammuz

Mami Wata

Pan and Syrinx

Selene and Endymion

Zeus and Europa

Admetus and Alcestis

The Blind Beauty

Daphnis and Chloe

The Devotion of Sita

The Holy Cherry Tree

Hymn to Aphrodite

Layla and Majnun

Moghol-Dokhter and Arab-Bacha

Śiva and Parvati

Winona, the Child-Woman


Daphne the Naiad Nymph

The Fire-Fly’s Lovers

Polyphemus and Galatea

Pyramus and Thisbe

Sigurd and Gudrún

The Stolen Wife

Urvasi and Pururavas

The White Condor

A Basque Tale of Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast

Blodeuwedd the Flower Maiden Goddess

Donkey Skin

The Frog Prince

The Goodman o’ Wastness

Kitsune: Come and Sleep & The Foxes’ Wedding

The Sleep of Ondine

The Transformation of Tiresias

Vertumnus and Pomona

The Daughter of the Skies

East o’ the Sun and West o’ the Moon

The Golden Apple Tree and the Nine Peahens

The Nightingale and the Rose

The Peacock Maiden

The Prince and the Tortoise

The Snake Maiden

The Snake with Seven Heads


The Woman Who Married a Bear


Love and the Second Half

Shu and Tefnut

Uranus and Gaia

Maps and Mythological Figures

Mythology in the Classroom

Lesson Plan

Time Line

Guide to Online Resources


Country and Culture Index

Chronological Index
