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Critical Insights: Alexie, Sherman

Table of Contents

Table of Contents: Sherman Alexie

On Sherman Alexie: American Man of Letters

Biography of Sherman Alexie

The Paris Review Perspective

Navigating the River of the World: Collective Trauma in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

“Doesn’t everybody belong to a subculture?” Community and History in Sherman Alexie’s Writing

Articulations of Difference: Minority Existence in White America in Sherman Alexie’s Indian Killer and Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye

Postmodern Magic, Traditional Rage: The Critical Reception of Sherman Alexie’s Work

Half Child/Half Adult: Sherman Alexie’s Hybrid Young Adult Fiction

The Rhetorical, Performative Poetics of Sherman Alexie: Critical Reflections on Affect, Memory, and Subjectivity

A Rez Kid Gone Urban: Sherman Alexie’s Recent Short Fiction

Dialectic to Dialogic: Negotiating Bicultural Heritage in Sherman Alexie’s Sonnets

Sherman Alexie’s Indigenous Blues

The Exaggeration of Despair in Sherman Alexie’s Reservation Blues

Reservation Home Movies: Sherman Alexie’s Poetry

A New Road and a Dead End in Sherman Alexie’s Reservation Blues

“The res has missed you”: The Fragmented Reservation of the Mind in The Business of Fancydancing

A Bridge of Difference: Sherman Alexie and the Politics of Mourning

A World of Story-Smoke: A Conversation with Sherman Alexie

Indian Killer

Sex and Salmon: Queer Identities in Sherman Alexie’s The Toughest Indian in the World

The Trans/historicity of Trauma in Jeannette Armstrong’s Slash and Sherman Alexie’s Indian Killer

Building Cultural Knowledge in the Contemporary Native Novel

Sherman Alexie: Interview

Chronology of Sherman Alexie’s Life

Works by Sherman Alexie
