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The 1920s in America

Table of Contents

Academy Awards

A. C. Nielsen Company

Adams, Franklin P.

Adding Machine, The

Adkins v. Children’s Hospital

Advertising in Canada

Advertising in the United States

African Americans

Age of Innocence, The

Agricultural Marketing Act of 1929

Agriculture in Canada

Agriculture in the United States

Aiken, Conrad

Air Commerce Act of 1926


Air Mail Act of 1925

Air pollution


Alberta Sexual Sterilization Act

Alexander, Grover Cleveland

Algonquin Round Table

Ali, Noble Drew

Alice Adams

All God’s Chillun Got Wings

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

American Mercury, The

Anderson, Marian

Anderson, Sherwood

Andrews, Roy Chapman

Anna Christie


Appalachian Trail

Arbuckle, Fatty



Armstrong, Louis

Art Deco

Art movements


Asian Americans


Automobiles and auto manufacturing

Auto racing



Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co.

Baker, Josephine



Bánky, Vilma

Banting, Frederick Grant

Bara, Theda

Barrymore, John


Bathing suits

Bathtub gin

Baylor Plan

Beiderbecke, Bix

Bell, James “Cool Papa”

Bell Labs


Berlin, Irving

Better Homes in America movement

Birdseye, Clarence

Birth control

Black-and-tan clubs

Black Swan Records

Bobbed hair

Bonus Act of 1924

Book clubs

Bookman, The

Book publishing

Border Patrol, U.S.

Bose, Sudhindra

Bow, Clara


Bread slicer

Bridge of San Luis Rey, The

Broadway musicals

Brooks, Louise

Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters

Bryan, William Jennings

Bubble gum

Buck v. Bell



Bunion Derby

Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, U.S.

Burns and Allen

Bushman, Francis X.

Business and the economy

Byrd, Richard E.

Cabell, James Branch

Cable Act of 1922

California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

Canada and Great Britain

Canadian minority communities

Canadian nationalism


Capablanca, José Raúl

Capone, Al

Carmichael, Hoagy

Carr, Mary

Carter Family

Cascade Tunnel

Castle Gate, Utah, mining disaster

Cather, Willa



Chain stores

Chandler, Harry

Chanel, Coco

Chaney, Lon

Chaplin, Charlie

Charleston, The


Chinese Immigration Act of 1923

Chrysler, Walter P.

Chrysler Building

Circus, The


City, The

Civil rights and liberties

Classical music

Cline, Genevieve R.

Cloche hats

Cobb, Ty

Cocoanut Grove

Cocoanuts, The

Cohan, George M.

Coleman, Bessie

Colman, Ronald

Comic strips

Coming of Age in Samoa


Compton, Arthur Holly

Coney Island

Congress, U.S.

Coogan, Jackie

Coolidge, Calvin

Coolidge, Grace

Copland, Aaron

Corrigan v. Buckley

Corrupt Practices Act of 1925

Cotton Club

Cotton swabs

Cox, Ida

Cox, James M.

Credit and debt

Crimes and scandals


Crosby, Bing

Crossword puzzles

Cummings, E. E.

Currency and coinage

Curtis, Charles

Dance and choreography

Dances, popular

Darrow, Clarence

Daugherty, Harry M.

Davis, John W.

Dawes, Charles G.

Dawes Plan

Death Comes for the Archbishop

Debs, Eugene V.

DeMille, Cecil B.


Dempsey, Jack

Demuth, Charles

Denby, Edwin

Denishawn School of Dancing and Related Arts

Desire Under the Elms

Detroit-Windsor Tunnel

Dewey, John

Dial, The

Differential analyzer

Disney, Walt

Doolittle, Hilda

Douglas Aircraft Company

Du Bois, W. E. B.

Duncan, Isadora

Durant, Will

Dyer antilynching bill

Earhart, Amelia

Eastman, George

Ederle, Gertrude


Einstein, Albert

Elections, Canadian

Elections, midterm, U.S.

Elections of 1920, U.S.

Elections of 1924, U.S.

Elections of 1928, U.S.

Electrical recording


Eliot, T. S.

Ellington, Duke

Elmer Gantry

Emperor Jones, The

Equal Rights Amendment

Eskimo Pie

Eugenics movement




Fairbanks, Douglas, Sr.

Farewell to Arms, A

Farm subsidies

Fashions and clothing

Faulkner, William

Faust, Frederick

Federal Aid Highway Act of 1921

Federal highway system

Federal Power Act of 1920

Federal Radio Commission (FRC)

Felix the Cat

Ferber, Edna

Fields, W. C.


Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Fitzgerald, Zelda

Flagpole sitting


Flesh and the Devil

Fokker, Anthony

Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration, U.S.

Food trends


Forbes, Charles R.

Foreign policy, U.S.

Four Horsemen of Notre Dame

Fox, William

Foxx, Jimmie


Frontier in American History, The

Frost, Robert

Frozen foods

Fugitive, The

Fugitive Poets


Garbo, Greta

Garvey, Marcus

Gehrig, Lou

General, The

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Gershwin, George

Gila Wilderness Area

Gilbert, John

Gipp, George

Girl Scout cookies

Gish, Dorothy

Gish, Lillian

Gitlow v. New York

Goddard, Robert

Gold Diggers of Broadway

Gold Rush, The

Goldwyn, Samuel


Gompers, Samuel

Graham, Martha

Grand Ole Opry, The

Grange, Red

Grauman’s Chinese Theatre

Great Gatsby, The

Great Migration

Great Mississippi Flood of 1927


Griffith, D. W.

Gross national product of the United States

Group of Seven

Grove, Lefty

Hair dryers


Halibut Treaty of 1924


Hall-Mills murder case

Hammerstein, Oscar, II

Hammett, Dashiell

Hardin, Lillian

Harding, Warren G.

Harlem Renaissance

Harp Weaver and Other Poems, The

Hart, Lorenz

Haywood, Big Bill

Health care

Hearst, William Randolph

Hearst Castle

Hemingway, Ernest

Hester v. United States


Hobbies and recreation


Holland Tunnel

Hollywood Bowl

Hollywood sign

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.

Home furnishings

Homosexuality and gay rights

Hood ornaments

Hoover, Herbert

Hoover, J. Edgar

Hopper, Edward

Hornsby, Rogers

Horse racing

Houdini, Harry


Hubble, Edwin Powell

Hughes, Charles Evans

Hughes, Howard

Hughes, Langston

Hurston, Zora Neale

I’ll Take My Stand

Immigration Act of 1921

Immigration Act of 1924

Immigration to Canada

Immigration to the United States

In the American Grain

Ince, Thomas H.

Income and wages

Indian Citizenship Act of 1924

Installment plans


International Business Machines (IBM)

International trade


Iron lung


Izaak Walton League of America

Jannings, Emil

Japanese American Citizens League


Jazz Singer, The

Jews in Canada

Jews in the United States

Jim Crow in the U.S. South

John Brown’s Body

John Keats

Johnson, Jack

Johnson, James Weldon

Johnson, Judy

Jolson, Al

Jones, Bobby

Kahanamoku, Duke

Kane, Helen

Keaton, Buster

Keller, Helen

Kellogg, Frank B.

Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928

Kern, Jerome

King, William Lyon Mackenzie

King of Kings, The

Kirby, Rollin

Knickerbocker Storm

Koko the Clown


Ku Klux Klan

Labor strikes

La Follette, Robert M.

Landis, Kenesaw Mountain

Lang, Eddie

Langdon, Harry

Langley, John W.

Lardner, Ring

Lasky, Jesse L.

Latin America and the Caribbean


Laurel and Hardy

League of Nations

League of United Latin American Citizens

League of Women Voters

Leopold-Loeb murder case

Lewis, John L.

Lewis, Sinclair

Lincoln Memorial

Lindbergh, Charles

Lindsay, Vachel

Lindy Hop

Lippmann, Walter

Literature in Canada

Literature in the United States

Little Blue Books

Lloyd, Harold

Lodge, Henry Cabot

Look Homeward, Angel

Los Angeles Aqueduct dynamiting

Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum

Lost generation


Lowell, Amy

Luce, Henry R.


MacLeish, Archibald

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade



Main Currents in American Thought

Main Street

Man o’ War

Marathon dancing

Marin, John

Marriage and dating

Marx Brothers

McFadden Act of 1927

McKinsey, James Oscar

McPherson, Aimee Semple

Mead, Margaret


Meighen, Arthur

Mellon, Andrew

Mencken, H. L.

Menuhin, Yehudi

Merry Widow, The

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)


Meyer v. Nebraska

Micheaux, Oscar


Millay, Edna St. Vincent

Millikan, Robert Andrews

Miss America pageants

Mitchell, Billy

Mix, Tom

Model A Fords

Montessori method

Moody, Helen Wills

Moore v. Dempsey

Morgan, Thomas Hunt

Morton, Jelly Roll


Mount Rushmore

Movie palaces

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)

Music, popular

Nanook of the North

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

National Broadcasting Company (NBC)

National Conference on Street and Highway Safety

National debt of the United States

National Football League (NFL)

National Parks of the United States

Native Americans

Natural disasters

Natural resources, exploitation of

Negro History Week

Negro League Baseball

Newberry v. United States

New Criticism

Newspapers, U.S.

New Yorker, The

New York Yankees


Nineteenth Amendment

Nixon v. Herndon

Nobel Prizes

Normand, Mabel

Novarro, Ramón

Oil Pollution Act of 1924

Okeechobee Hurricane of 1928

O’Keeffe, Georgia

Oliver, Joe “King”

Olmstead v. United States

Olympic Games of 1920 (Summer)

Olympic Games of 1924 (Summer)

Olympic Games of 1924 (Winter)

Olympic Games of 1928 (Summer)

Olympic Games of 1928 (Winter)

O’Neill, Eugene

Organized crime

Orphans of the Storm

Ott, Mel

Ouija boards

Our Gang comedies

Ozawa v. United States

Paddock, Charles

Palmer raids

Parker, Dorothy

Parrish, Maxfield

Paul, Alice

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

Pershing Map

Phillips, C. Coles

Philosophy and philosophers



Pickford, Mary

Pierce v. Society of Sisters

Piston, Walter

Player pianos



Political parties



Post, Emily

Postage stamps

Pound, Ezra

President’s Conference on Unemployment

President’s Daughter, The

Progressive Party of 1924


Prophet, The

Psychology, psychiatry, and psychoanalysis

Public Opinion

Racial discrimination


Radio Act of 1927

Radio Corporation of America (RCA)


Railway Labor Act of 1926

Randolph, A. Philip

Rayon stockings

Recession of 1920–1921

Red Scare, The

Reed, John


Reid, Wallace

Religion in Canada

Religion in the United States

“Return to Normalcy”

Revenue Acts of 1924, 1926, and 1928

Rhapsody in Blue

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus

Rin Tin Tin films

Roach, Hal, Sr.

Roaring Twenties

Robeson, Paul

Robinson, Edwin Arlington


Rockne, Knute

Rockwell, Norman

Rodgers, Jimmie

Rogers, Will

Romberg, Sigmund

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Rosenfeld, Fanny “Bobbie”

Ross, Harold

Ross, Nellie Tayloe

Route 66

Royal Canadian Air Force

Rural Life

Russian Famine Relief Act of 1921

Ruth, Babe

Saarinen, Eliel

Sacco and Vanzetti case

Safety Last

Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre

Sandburg, Carl

Sanger, Margaret

Sarnoff, David


Schiaparelli, Elsa

Schindler, Rudolph

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

Scholz, Jackson

Schultz, Dutch

Science and technology

Science fiction

Scopes trial

Sears, Roebuck and Co.

Sennett, Mack

Sesquicentennial Exposition

Sex and sex education

Sexually transmitted diseases

Sheik, The

Shenandoah airship disaster

Sheppard-Towner Act

Show Boat

Shuffle Along

Sinclair, Upton


Smith, Alfred E.

Smith, Bessie


Social sciences

Société Anonyme

Sound and the Fury, The

Southern Agrarians

Soviet Union and North America




Spring and All

Steamboat Willie

St. Francis Dam disaster

Stein, Gertrude

Stella Dallas

Stieglitz, Alfred

Stock market crash

Stone, Harlan Fiske

Strange Interlude

Student Prince, The

Studies in Classic American Literature

Sturtevant, Alfred H.


Sun Also Rises, The

Supreme Court, U.S.

Swanson, Gloria

Taft, William Howard

Tales of the Jazz Age

Talking motion pictures

Tarkington, Booth

Taylor, William Desmond

Teapot Dome scandal

Teasdale, Sara

Telephone technology and service

Television technology

Ten Commandments, The

Ten Days That Shook the World


Theater in Canada

Theater in the United States

Thief of Bagdad, The

This Side of Paradise

Thompson machine gun

Thorpe, Jim

Three Soldiers

Tilden, Bill

Tin Pan Alley

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Tong Wars of Chinatown, San Francisco

Toomer, Jean

Traffic signals



Tunney, Gene



United Artists

United States v. Ninety-Five Barrels Alleged Apple Cider Vinegar

United States v. United States Steel Corp

Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)


Valentino, Rudolph

Vallée, Rudy

Van Der Zee, James


Vidor, King

Vitamin D discovery

Voting rights

Walker, Jimmy

Wallace, DeWitt

Waller, Fats

Warner, Harry

Warner, Sam

Warner Bros.

Washington Naval Conference

Waste Land, The

Weissmuller, Johnny

West, Mae

West Virginia mining disaster

Wharton, Edith

What’s O’Clock

Whiteman, Paul

Wilder, Thornton

Williams, William Carlos

Wilson, Edith

Wilson, Edmund

Wilson, Woodrow


Women in college

Women in the workforce

Women’s rights

Workers’ education

World War I veterans

Wright, Frank Lloyd

Wylie, Elinor


Ziegfeld, Florenz

Ziegfeld Follies

Zworykin, Vladimir

Entertainment: Major Broadway Plays and Awards

Entertainment: Major Films

Entertainment: Radio Programs, Personalities, and Firsts

Legislation: Major U.S. Legislation

Legislation: Major U.S. Supreme Court Decisions

Literature: Best-Selling Books in the United States

Music: Popular Musicians

Music: Top-Selling U.S. Recordings

Sports: Winners of Major Events

Time Line



List of Entries by Category

Personages Index

Subject Index